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JAIME struggled with putting what little contents he had into his horse's side bag

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JAIME struggled with putting what little contents he had into his horse's side bag. He was tired, lugging his body around like a satchel. The sling made it hard to do anything, let alone that he was now returning to King's Landing with one hand.

The thought had dawned on him. He was actually returning home. He knew where he was going before, but his reality was officially coming true. Instead of thinking about how happy he was to return to Cersei, Jaime found his mind wandering to Laila. He felt her lips still lingering on his own, and he felt like a giddy child again, who just got his first kiss.

If he returned – no, when he returned, he would bring Brienne and Laila back to King's Landing. Yes, Laila was a woman of the Rills, but he thought she'd do well in the Red Keep. He'd do anything to get her to stay there. He didn't know what yet, but he would do something. Jaime thought she would make a perfect lady of the court.

But there was just one part he was forgetting: Cersei. What would his sister say if he brought back two women from his journey in the North to become ladies of the court? She would surely be suspicious of him, but that didn't matter right now. His mind spun with questions then. What would he even say to Cersei when he arrived? How would he introduce them? Would he introduce Laila and Brienne? Of course, he would; he was a gentleman, after all. Would he keep his attraction for Laila in secret? He didn't want to, but maybe it was needed.

Jaime grunted as he continued to struggle with his side bag. Qyburn approached him, tapping his shoulder gently. "Here, let me," he said. Qyburn adjusted the bag all by himself, causing Jaime insane jealously. He then turned back to Jaime. "It will take time."

Jaime nodded his head as Qyburn left him. He looked up to the balconies of Harrenhal, trying to find Laila's room. He spotted a speck of Brienne's hair at her window, before the lady knight moved away. Jaime moved his vision to the left, spying Laila standing near the edge of her open window. The two them locked eyes, and Laila sent him a warm smile. Jaime could see the sadness behind it, and thus he frowned. He watched her walk away from the window and into the shadows of her room.

He had heard someone stomp their feet behind his back. Jaime turned to see Roose Bolton, standing with his gloved hands clasped together. "Qyburn hopes your father will force the Citadel to give him back his chain," Roose murmured.

Jaime shrugged before trying to pull himself up on the horse. It took a few tries, but he eventually was able to get himself up on it. "My father will make him Grand Maester if he grows me a new hand."

"You will give my regards to Lord Tywin, I trust?" Roose asked, looking up at Jaime with worry.

Jaime narrowed his eyes. His hair hung in long, greasy strands in front of his eyes. "Tell Robb Stark I'm sorry I couldn't make his uncle's wedding." He said, guiding his horse forward. "The Lannisters send their regards."

Roose nodded his head, watching Jaime move his horse towards the small party Lord Bolton had assigned with him. Accompanying Jaime was both Qyburn and Walton Steelshanks, as well some other Bolton banner men.

Laila slowly inched herself back to the window again, watching Jaime with keen eyes. He was guiding the horse well with one hand, she realized. He was traveling with a small party, one that didn't include her or Brienne. She saw Locke walk by his horse, and say, "Safe journey, Kingslayer."

Jaime only glared down at Locke.

"Nothing to say?" Locke laughed. "I liked you better before. I don't remember chopping your balls off too!"

Jaime sighed as he moved his horse out of Harrenhal. Locke followed his pace. "And don't you worry about your friends," he instructed. "We'll take good care of the girls."


Laila picked at the small amount of food she was given. She sat and withered away in her room, wondering when she'd finally be let out. She didn't trust half the people in this castle, let alone the tower's construction. She thought it would fall and crumble down in a matter of days.

She looked at the fire crackling before her. How had she possibly gotten herself into this mess? Well, she knew how, but she didn't understand why she had somehow "abetted treason." How – or why – had she kissed the Kingslayer last night? The thought that her lips had touched the man who killed King Aerys II Targaryen felt like a thrill. She could almost feel his hair at her fingertips again. Laila wasn't sure how she felt about Jaime exactly, but she knew that she would not reject the offer of kissing him again.

Suddenly, she heard the ripping of wood. Laila turned her head abruptly, watching someone tear two wooden planks off the large hole in her room. She stood, hearing the nails from the wood clang on the floor. She was surprised to see Brienne on the other side, even though she knew Brienne's room was beside her own anyways. Laila approached the hole with a shocked expression. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked. "We're already prisoners; we don't need to pay for damages!"

"The castle is already damaged as it is," Brienne muttered with a frown. "I needed to speak with you, and the guards aren't going to allow us to speak together alone."

Laila nodded in agreement. She couldn't argue with her on that.

"My father wrote to Harrenhal. He knows that both you and I are here, and he was willing to pay for our release." Brienne said, to which Laila began to smile, thinking that it was great news. "He offered three hundred gold dragons for our safe return, but Locke won't take it. He's convinced my father owns all the sapphire mines in Westeros, thanks to the fucking Kingslayer. Locke thinks he's being cheated."

"So we have no safe escape?"

Brienne's frown deepened. "It gets worse," she sighed. "We're the entertainment tomorrow."

"Entertainment?" Laila exclaimed in a whisper. "Are they going to –?"

Brienne looked back at her door as she murmured, "I don't know." Her eyes met Laila's again, and they both held an expression of terror. "Whatever it is, we need to flee by tomorrow night, or we'll be dead by morning."

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