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LAILA was allowed to have her own horse this time, as well as Brienne and Jaime

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LAILA was allowed to have her own horse this time, as well as Brienne and Jaime. She guided the horse to trot beside the rest of the Bolton men, who laughed beside Jaime at the loss of his hand. They made him wear it like a scarf. Jaime hadn't said a word since it happened, leaving Laila shocked and a bit uncomfortable at his silence.

"How many of those fingers do you think we could shove up his ass?" Rogar chuckled loudly.

Locke laughed at the joke. "Depends if he's had any practice. Is that the sort of thing you and your sister go in for, Kingslayer? She loosened you up for us?"

Jaime didn't respond, and continued to bob on the back of his horse. Laila glanced over at him, growing concerned at his presence. He wobbled around in the seat, swaying to each side. He was fully aware of his surroundings, but acting as if he was falling asleep.

Laila had never cried so many times than the past week. She wasn't sure what it was. Jaime Lannister was obviously in a depression since last night, so why was her own sadness making her cry? Laila looked down at her bound hands, sobbing silently to herself. Gods, she was so emotional and it made her look so weak. She sniffled, looking back at Jaime, who was swaying more to the left. "Jaime," she called, but he didn't answer.

"He's going to fall," Brienne informed the men, but they did nothing. "He's going to fall off his horse. Someone help him!"

And just like that, Jaime fell face first into the mud. Locke halted his men by raising a hand, and Laila, being the good person that she was, tried her best to slide down her horse with tied hands. Her legs could barely move, for they felt so awful and weakened, so she began to crawl through the mud to get to Jaime. She pushed herself forward, hearing him groan in the sloppy dirt. She tried using her bound hands to pull him from the mud, but it was tiring. Brienne stayed where she was, in fear of repercussions. She thought Laila's act of justice was incredibly idiotic.

"Water," Jaime whispered in a raspy voice. "Water. Please, water."

Laila tugged on his arm again, but it was no use. Her roped hands didn't provide any help. "I have none," she muttered back. "Just try to sit up."

She managed to get him to kneel, and she looked up, watching Rogar walk over to them. She stared at the man who tried to rape her with hate in her eyes. Laila fought back the urge to hiss at him, but was interrupted by Jaime pleading, "Water, please." Instead of that, Rogar lifted his canteen and poured water on his head.

Before she could reply, Laila was being shoved upward by Rogar. She kicked at his arms, but couldn't do anything. "Do not hand me like that, Ser," she snarled, although he didn't listen. He pushed her towards her horse and lifted her back on it, telling her to stay where she was. Laila regretted her decisions then. Her hair was full of mud, and she felt the need to wipe away the dried blood on her lip.

Jaime coughed loud. "If I die, you won't be getting –"

"Oh, enough." Locke interrupted with a scoff. "Here."

He handed Jaime a small, metal canteen, to which Jaime took quickly. He sucked down the rest of the liquid inside. Laila noticed the men start to chuckle. "Can't say that I've ever seen a man drink horse piss that fast," Locke muttered.

And then they were laughing again. Jaime immediately spit out all the piss he drank, his face falling into the mud again. Laila closed her eyes in shame. How had her life come to this, she would never know.

A man tried to hoist Jaime up, but he instead knocked the man away and pulled out his sword. Jaime handled the sword in his left hand, which was definitely not his fighting hand. This act caused Rogar and Locke to bring out their own weapons. Rogar lunged for Jaime, and it didn't take long for Jaime to be disarmed. He was not in-sync without his right hand, and Locke suddenly knocked him down just by kicking his back. Jaime fell into the mud.

"Stop!" Brienne exclaimed, getting off her horse and attempting to sprint over. She was stopped by a few men, while others began to circle Jaime. No matter how many times he got up, someone manage to send him to the ground.

Brienne tried to fight her way past the Bolton men to aid Jaime, but they pushed her back. Laila stared on from her spot, tears falling down her cheeks. She shook her head at the sight of Jaime falling down for the last time.

Locke, despite Jaime being disarmed and not capable of fighting back, kicked him in the gut several times. Jaime's hand tangled into the mud, his spit and blood filling the roots. Locke kicked him again, flipping him onto his back. Jaime's eyes went wide in horror, but tears continued to fill them.

Laila hit her bound hands on her knee. "Enough! Enough!" She screamed.

"Shut up, bitch!" Rogar yelled, turning to Laila.

Locke lowered himself close to Jaime in the mud. He looked him square in the eye. Jaime could barely exhale; his chest moved slowly. "Do that again, and I'll take your other hand," Locke threatened.

Brienne huffed in defeat. The Bolton men pushed her back towards her horse, shouting, "Come on, you!" Brienne was tall enough to hoist herself onto her horse, even with bound hands. Laila's red and swelled eyes glanced at Brienne, who looked just as beaten.

Rogar approached Laila's horse as he walked back to his own. "Crying over the Kingslayer?" He laughed. "The Starks would be ashamed in your emotions."

She spat in his direction as he walked away. For once, she was lucky she missed. Her hands tightened around the horse's reins.

Laila looked to Jaime, laying in the mud and horse shit. He held her stare for a long time, watching her mouth wobble in sadness. Seeing the dried blood on her face and the bruise swelling underneath her eye was sad enough, so he couldn't imagine how he looked in this moment. He sighed at the sight of her crying, his chest heaving sporadically.

What he would do to make a pretty girl's sadness go away. In his situation right now, there wasn't much.

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