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LAILA'S whole body felt tired

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LAILA'S whole body felt tired. She had taken watch last night, so in result, she got zero hours of sleep. She was running on barely any water. Death seemed about right at that moment, but she continued on through the field.

It had been an hour since Jaime Lannister last talked, so it was only a matter time before he spoke again. Laila swatted away a couple flies moving around her. She tried to form a mental picture in her head of where they were, and if her assumptions were correct, they were twenty feet across from the Kingsroad. If they continued their journey through specific paths and forests, they'd be aligned with said road.

"Do you know how long it's going to take us to get to King's Landing walking through fields and forests?" Jaime asked in an annoyed manner.

There it was. Laila rolled her eyes and pushed through a bush, so they happened upon a field that led into a forest. She continued walking at a steady pace, completely ignoring the Lannister's comment.

"So," Jaime spoke, "how shall we pass the time?"

Brienne replied, "By putting one foot in front of the other."

"It's going to be a very dull walk."

Brienne yanked on his chain like Laila did, causing him to yelp. "We're here to take you to King's Landing and bring back Lady Stark's daughters in exchange."

"Dull," Laila muttered, through a raspy voice, "is fine."

Jaime huffed. "You know, Lady Laila, it doesn't matter how loyal a servant you are. No one enjoys the company of a humorless mute. Trust me on this. People have been serving me since I was born." He then looked over his shoulder at Brienne. "You think Lady Stark is going to want a giant, towheaded, plank following her around for the rest of her life? A week's journey with you and she'll order you to fall on your sword."

"I'll take that advice into consideration, Kingslayer." Laila replied in a bored tone.

Brienne, being the exact opposite, responded in her usual exasperated tone. "If Lady Stark is unhappy with any aspect of my service, I'm sure she'll let me know. She's an honest woman."

Jaime marched behind Laila and into the next forest, mumbling, "All the good it's done her."


The company had to stop, due to Jaime complaining for a long period of time how badly he needed to piss. He turned his back towards them as he did his business. Laila tapped her foot impatiently as Brienne watched with concern. He moved his head a little, and his eyes met Laila's. "How did you come into Lady Stark's service as her handmaiden?" He asked, pulling his trousers back up. "That's something we could all talk about."

Laila glanced to Brienne, who shook her head. "Why do you care?" The handmaiden then asked.

"Was it recently? You said you served the Starks for ten years, but you weren't with her at Winterfell."

Brienne pulled on his chain as Laila began walking through the forest again. She sighed as she led the two, crossing her arms over her chest. "Shows how much you know," she muttered. "I was there when you visited Winterfell. I saw you, and I know what you did to little Bran."

"Alright, next question." Jaime frowned, knowing that his inquiries were heading into dangerous territories. He looked to Brienne. "You must have found Lady Stark recently. I would have noticed your dour head smacking into the archways at Winterfell."

Brienne shoved him forward. "Move."

The three continue their trek. Laila felt her feet sink into the wet grass, meaning that a storm had just occurred a day ago. They had luckily missed it. Her hands stretched out to touch a tree as they passed, and it was sticky. Must have been sap, but it was an odd color. She rubbed it away on her skirt.

"Were you pledged to Stannis?" Jaime asked.

"Gods, no." Brienne answered.

He nodded. "Ah, Renly," he understood. "Really? He wasn't fit to rule over anything more important than a 12-course meal."

"Shut your mouth."

Jaime furrowed his brow. "Why? I lived with him at court since he was a boy, don't forget. Could hardly escape the little tulip. Skipping down the corridors in his embroidered silks. I knew him far better than you."

Brienne sighed in exasperation. "I knew him as well as anyone. As a member of his Kingsguard, he trusted me with everything."

"Sounds like you quite fancied him."

"I did not fancy him."

"Oh, gods, you did!" Jaime laughed. "Did you ever tell him? No, of course not."

Laila stopped walking and turned, almost causing Jaime to crash into her. She pushed him back roughly. "When will you ever stop talking?" She snarled. "I realize we are being chased down for agreeing to this task, but gods – we are in this serene forest and I can't at least try to enjoy this with your fucking mouth."

Jaime's lips fell open in false shock. "Manners, Lady Laila."

Laila groaned loudly and began to walk forward once more. Her feet were now stomping through the forest ground, due to anger. "Anyways, back to our conversation," Jaime muttered to Brienne. "Renly happened to prefer curly-haired little girls, like Loras Tyrell. You're far too much man for him."

"I'm not interested in foul rumors."

"Unless they're about me," Jaime reminded with a grim expression. "It's all true about Renly. His proclivities were the worst kept secret at court. It's a shame the throne isn't made out of cocks. They'd have never got him off it."

Laila couldn't stop herself then. Just as Brienne was about to yank his chain, Laila spun around and slapped Jaime Lannister across the face – hard. The impact was so surprising that it made Jaime recoil backwards just a bit. He blinked when he stood straight again. Laila looked to her hand, noticing it was flushed red. She formed it into a fist again at her side, while staring at Jaime angrily.

"I don't blame him, and I don't blame you, Brienne. I don't blame you either, Lady Laila. I realize I deserved that." He chuckled softly, his shackles clinging together from the wind. "We don't get to choose who we love."

Laila wrinkled her nose. "What's that supposed to me?"

Jaime began to walk forward on his own. He didn't care to wait for Laila's lead. "I think you know exactly what I mean."

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