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JAIME'S eyes blinked in shock. "These men have been at war a long time," Qyburn had just said. "Most of them will be dead by winter. The women will be their entertainment tonight. Beyond tonight, I don't think they care very much." Jaime didn't think it to be true, because what entertainment could they serve other than the obvious? Brienne and Laila wouldn't willingly let themselves be entertainment, and thus, tonight would end in their deaths.

He looked to the edge of the mountains they were traveling on, allowing his mind to become lost. Gods, what had he done? He needed to go back to Harrenhal. He had to somehow convince the Bolton men better to have Brienne and Laila return to King's Landing with him. He had to ... for his promise.

Jaime stumbled over to Steelshanks, who was enjoying whatever was in his jug. "We have to return to Harrenhal."

Steelshanks lowered the jug, glancing at Jaime with suspicion. He wiped the alcohol off his mouth sloppily with the back of his hand. "Why?"

"I've left something behind."

"Absolutely not," he was quick to reply. "I've got orders from Lord Bolton."

Jaime's face twisted. He asked, "And what are those orders?"

"To deliver you –" Steelshanks pointed to Jaime "– to your father at King's Landing."

Jaime cocked his head to the side in interest. "You think you'll get a reward."

Steelshanks stood up with a sigh, looking down at Jaime, who was a few inches shorter. "I serve Lord Bolton. Any appreciation your father –"

"You think you're getting a reward," Jaime repeated, to which Steelshanks lifted his head. "Let me explain something to you. When my father sees me, the first thing he's going to ask is what happened to my hand, and I'm going to tell him this man chopped it off."

Steelshanks shook his head. "I had nothing –"

"Or I could tell him, this man saved my life." Jaime added with a quirked brow. He nodded his head. "We return to Harrenhal now."

Steelshanks rolled his eyes before ordering the troops of the new plan. As crows cawed in the distance of the mountain, Jaime and company began their journey back to Harrenhal.


It had been Locke's idea to throw Brienne and Laila in a gladiatorial pit, giving them only a wooden sword to defend themselves. They were both physically thrust into the pit through an old wooden door, and they were welcomed with the sight of a large brown bear waiting for them inside.

The men sang as they watched the women recoil in fear at the bear approaching them. "The bear, the bear and the maiden fair!" They sang. "From there to here, from here to there! All black and brown and covered in hair! He smelled that girl in the summer air! The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair!"

SINNER ━ Jaime LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now