Chapter 32

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A/N: Today I don't have work so here is a new chapter:D

Check out my new Jerrie video at DWT on youtube if you like, it's 48 mins long;)

Perrie's POV

I whined when some constant mumbling sounds pulled me out from my peaceful slumber.

"Perrie wake up." That's definitely not Jade's voice. So nope. I am not waking up unless my princess was the one calling me.

I pat the space next to me searching for her, but nothing came into contact other than the empty mattress, then I remembered she was not sleeping next to me last night. I frowned and held her pillow closely to my chest, which I assumed haven't left my side the whole night, and hoping to go back to the dreamworld where Jade was with me.

"PERRIE GET THE FUCK UP NOW" I heard someone yelled at me who sounds extremely like Jesy, and felt my body being shook frantically.

Hell to the no. I am not waking up to this horrible treatment. Where is my Jadey? I miss my Jadey. I miss waking up feeling her body weight on mine. I miss waking up with her angelic voice whispering sweet names into my ears. I miss waking up feeling her soft lips pressing all over my face and eventually my lips until I couldn't resist but kiss back. I miss feeling the gentle touch of her fingertips caressing every part of my skin. I wish she were here.

"What the hell?!" I groaned when I felt my blanket being pulled away brutally and immediately shivered at the chill air sending straightly through my body. I opened my eyes and see no others but my two best friends standing next to my bed, Jesy was holding my blanket in her hand.

"Wake up you idiot!" Jesy scolded at me and threw my blanket away. Nope. I closed my eyes again trying to fall back to sleep.

"Take that pillow away from her Leigh!" My eyes snapped open and saw Leigh's arms eagerly reaching for it.

"NO! THAT'S JADE'S PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!" I squealed and tightened the grip on the pillow. I pouted and held it firmly to my chest, like it's the most precious thing in the world, which it is. Her eyes widened and the movement came to a halt.

"I-I can't Jesy..." Leigh dropped her arm and turned to Jesy for help. Jesy sighed and I could see her face softened.

"Perrie we have an interview later so you need to wake up now" I glanced at the time and it's only 9:15 am.

"For god's sake we get like 3 hours until the freaking interview! Why you have to wake me up now!" I yelled in annoyance. They have to know I love my sleep.

"Trust me Perrie you want to be early for this one..."

"Yes because-"

"Leigh Anne!" Jesy cut Leigh off and gave her a stern glare. Leigh gasped and covered her mouth immediately. What is going on?

"Care to fill me in?" I asked and looked at them expectantly, but they just stared at me and none of them opened their mouths.

"Okay if you won't tell me I am going back to sleep." I closed my eyes again even though I am awake now and didn't feel like sleeping again. I just wanna see if I could force them to tell me.

"No you are not! You are going to regret it if you don't wake up now I am telling you!" The serious tone in Jesy's voice kinda scared me and from all the past experience I knew it's best to not go against Jesy in this state, so I opened my eyes and gulped at her burning stare. You don't wanna mess with a mad Jesy I am telling you, it's worse than messing with your mad mom.

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