A/N: Sorry I know it's a bit late but I promised you I will update this week so here is a new chapter:)
Jade's POV
"They all lived happily ever after" I closed the book once I finished, smiled when baby Karl clapped delightedly at the happy ending.
"Yeah he found his family! I hope they live happily like we do"
"I am sure they will"
I grinned and pat his head. He hummed and flashed me a bright smile as he always loves me caressing his little head. He doesn't let everybody do that though, just someone he is close to. It reminded me he let Perrie too, even though they seems not too fond of each other earlier, which kinda confused me.
"Karl. Do you like auntie Perrie?" I asked tentatively
"Yeah" He replied right away like it's a no brainer
"Really? But I saw you two fought earlier..." I mumbled, crooking my eyebrow
"I just don't like her trying to get in between us because I haven't seen you for a long time and I miss you a lot. " He groaned
"She misses me too that's why" I giggled
"No she's not, she get to see you everyday already" He protested
"She is...because I miss her too. I miss her so much right now" I muttered
"But you just saw her?" He countered
"When you love someone, you miss her when you are apart...even for a split second"
My lips curved up and heart fluttered when I recalled the little moment we shared moment ago. She is always bold and bravery but I would never expect her to scream those three words to me in front of our families at the first official family meeting. But that's one of the many things I admire and love about her. She always shocks me in the best ways and it's absolutely insane how her surprises always make my heart feels things that I never think would be possible. Every time when I think it's the greatest feeling ever...BOOM she makes me feel even better next time. There is no word to describe the feeling...none of the word in the dictionary could match with it even though I know tons of vocabulary. I have no idea how she could managed to do so. I don't think she realizes how either...but she just does and she is the only one that could do so
"And you get jealous very easily" I mumbled and sighed in frustration. I snapped out of my thought and chuckled as baby Karl looked at me confusedly. Of course he is. He is only four, how could he understand how in love we are or what jealous is.
"Um...it's like...oh yeah remember that one time you left Dragon Danny at home when we went out to McDonald's? We had to go home and get him because you won't stop crying" I giggled at the memory. Dragon Danny is a stuffed toy my brother bought for him when he was born, they had been inseparable ever since.
He squealed and quickly ran to grab his doll that was on his bed and held him delicately to his chest. He came back and nodded, not forgetting to give him a kiss on the head.
"Auntie Perrie to me is like Danny to you, and so much more" I said simply. I don't think the toy...anyone or anything in this world could ever compared to my Perrie, but that's the only example I could think of for a four years old to understand.
"Wow you must love auntie Perrie so much!" He awed
"I do. I really do" I smiled
"Auntie Perrie love you that much too?" He tilted his little head
"Yeah" I nodded firmly and grinned bashfully, somehow I felt like a lovesick teenager all over again at the thought of everything my blonde had done for me. Gosh I love her

Touch (Jerrie Fanfiction)
FanfictionLittle Mix has finished the Get Weird Tour and was enjoying a short break until the promotion of their fourth album. Jerrie and Lesy were staying at their apartments to write songs for their new album. However, Perrie realized her feeling for Jade...