Chapter 67

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A/N: New chapter~

Advice: Better read it when you are home and alone

Jade's POV

I whimpered and covered my eyes with my hand from the blinding flashlight once we stepped out of the club, I definitely underestimated the number of paps out there. Usually there are only a few of them but tonight...let's say I could have mistaken we were walking on a red carpet or something.

So many questions were threw at us at the same time and the paps were eager to get pass of our securities, I was a bit astonished by the whole scene so I wrapped an arm around Perrie's torso.

"They are being scary" I mumbled, my lips curved up when Perrie immediately put an protective arm around my waist

"Hey take it easy guys. You are scaring my fiancé"

Her face was solemn and her tone was dead serious, but when she met my gaze...her face immediately softened

"Don't worry babe. I am here"

She cooed and flashed me a warm smile, held me firmly in her arm while we continued walking to our car. I don't know if it's the tough Perrie that made the paps back off a little bit or it's the soft Perrie's warm gesture calmed me down, all I know is I am not frightened anymore and I cannot stop looking at her in awe the whole way through

Damn. Why is she so charming?

And Chivalrous





I should probably stop now, otherwise I am going to list out every single great word in dictionary and now I have only started mentioning words began with 'C'

Gosh I am such a nerd

But she loves me.

And even thanked me for my existence

I am the one that should thank her. Can't she see she is the best thing that have ever happened in my life?

How could sh-

I was forced to pull out of my thought when I got swept off my feet, literally, my eyes widened in shock when I saw Perrie was carrying me in bridal way. There is flashlight everywhere so I am certain these photos are going to be all over the internet soon, but I couldn't care less about that right now, all I care about is her baby blue eyes that gazed at me so fondly like her love for me is limitless.

I feel like I was in a movie...but it is real life...which was even better

"W-What are you doing?" I mumbled bashfully, my cheeks were burning and my heart was pounding like crazy

"Carry you?" She answered it more like a question

"W-Why? I...I can walk o-on my own feet" I stammered, not able to speak properly in this position and when she was staring at me like I am the only thing that matters

"Because you won't get in the car"

She flashed me a fascinating smile that made my heartbeat accelerated in an unhealthy rate. Feeling light-headed, I quickly wrapped my arms around her neck, even though I am sure she will catch me if I fall. I turned my head and saw our car right next to us. I must be too caught up in my own thought I didn't realize we were here already.

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