Payback Is A Bitch//Chapter One🖤

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~Okay, I couldn't help myself x'D Don't judge if a lot of things are wrong; I'm still a Shameless noob :')~

"I will never leave my window open again, "  I said, groaning. I head Carl chuckling.

"Thanks for the good start to the morning" I opened my eyes to see Carl towering over me, with an empty cup of water in his hand. He climbed off of me, chuckling.

"Payback is gonna be a bitch Carl," I said.

"You think you scare me?" He asked, in his (for some reason really hot) sarcastic voice. I sat up and saw Carl staring at me while he was sitting in my chair.

"You look good, " Carl said, smirking as he winked at me. I looked confused. He motioned his hand to my chest. I looked down.

"God damn it," I groaned. He chuckled at me. 

"At least I'm wearing a bra, " I said, shrugging. 

"By the way, you are staying with us for a few months, " Carl said.

"No way Jose" 

"Yes way" He paused and started ruffling through my closet. "And my name is Carl, not Jose"

"It's a saying Idiot, " I said, as he chucked me a crop top and short jean shorts. He smirked at me as he closed my closet door.

"Why am I going to be staying at your house for a few months, anyway?"

"Your parents are away, they left a note on your desk," He said, picking up the note with only a sentence or two.

"Oh," I said, my face turning a bit grim, but I quickly changed it. 

"CARL" I heard Fiona scream from the house next door.

"HE'S WITH ME" I screamed back.

"I KNEW YOU TWO WOULD BE A CUTE COUPLE" Ian screamed from Carl's window and closed it quickly; before I could protest. I turned around. 


"No" He pouted his lips.

"Yes, I need to change," I said, becoming irritated.

"Why can't I stay here? I bet you'd look good" He smirked and winked at me again. I shrugged and began to pull my shirt off. Right when it was about to pass my bra, I pulled it back down. Snatching my clothes from Carl's hand, I smirked at him. He stuck his tongue out at me and left my room.

"I'm still staying in your house," Carl said. I could even hear him smirking. "Just in case I could get a peek at you" Carl was always teasing me. It sorta scared me, I didn't want him to find out that I liked him, not yet anyway.

"Keep dreaming, hon" I walked into my bathroom, changed, and washed up. When I walked back out, I saw Carl sitting on my bed, his eyes closed. I saw the cup of water on my desk and crept over to it. It wasn't empty like I thought it was, and I smirked evilly. Picking it up, I dumped the remains of the cup on his head. He shot up and I started running. Ducking down, I picked up my converse sneakers and continued running down the stairs. 

"Em, I will get you!" He said as he chased after me, laughing. I pushed my front door open and jumped over the eight stairs. They would've slowed me down.

"Damn" I heard Carl mutter from behind me. I turned and smirked at him, only to see him smirking at me, too. I pushed the gate to Carl's house open. Lip came through the door, just as I finished jumping up the stairs, two at a time. 

"Good luck, Em" I heard Lip chuckle.

"Thanks," I said, as I entered the household. Jumping up the other set of stairs, I ran into Carl's room and closed the door. His hand held the door back, and within seconds he had me pinned against his bedroom wall; his hand holding my arms above my head.

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