•Back and Better•

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"Fucking Gallaghers" Emily said, chuckling. Emily swiped right, looking at a photo of her and the badass, Carl Gallagher. She half-smiled softly as she looked down at the old photo from about a year ago. She swiped right once more and tapped the play button of a video.

Hey, Emily. It's Carl, obviously. Who knows if you will ever see this, but I just wanted you to know that I love you. You're my baby. Just remember I love you if anything happens.

A tear fell onto Emily's phone, causing her to wipe the screen, to get rid of the tear. This action causes her to swipe to the right once more, landing on a photo someone in the Gallagher family must have taken of Emily and Carl. Emily's lip begins to quiver, as she misses the feeling of his lips connecting with hers. The way Carl looked at her. She missed his smile, his hair, his scent - everything about the boy. She swiped looking back at the video. Her mind raced, remembering every moment she had with Carl. Little did Emily know that Carl was thinking about her.

◉Carl's P.O.V◉

Carl continued walking through the hallway, getting high-fives from the boys in juvie. 

"WHITEBOY CARL" Some of them chanted. Carl walked out of the doors, his iconic smirk painted on his face. One thought ran through his mind as he began to walk farther away from that hellhole.

I'm coming home, baby girl. I'm coming home.

✻Emily's P.O.V✻

Currently, Emily was in the kitchen with Fiona. Over the past few months, they have gotten closer than ever. Fiona was like the big sister she never had and pulled Emily out of depression when Carl was gone. Emily was truly grateful for the Gallagher family. Emily and Fiona heard the door open, both of them thinking it was Debbie.  

"Debs, did you get my texts about picking up hamburger buns?" Fiona asked, washing her hands as Emily looked in the fridge for a beer, needing one. Thoughts about Carl had begun to wash over her once more.

"Nah, it's me." A familiar voice said from the living room. Emily furrowed her eyebrows, not sure if she heard something wrong. Fiona had the same confused grin plastered on her face, just like Emily. They looked at each other, and Fiona quickly dried her hands. She backed up looking in the living room. 

"Carl?!" Fiona said, her voice filled with joy as she ran into the living room. At that moment, Emily knew her brain wasn't trippin' with her. "Oh my god!" Fiona said, opening her arm engulfing Carl in a hug. "Holy shit... Hi!!!" She continued. Emily stood frozen in the kitchen watching. "When did you get out?"

"This morning," Carl said, and Emily had noticed how much deeper his voice had gotten. 

"Why didn't you call??" Fiona asked and looked at his hair. Emily raised an eyebrow looking at the cornrows. "Oh, Jesus, your hair..." 

"Nice, huh?" Carl said, smirking. God, Emily missed that smirk. Emily had tuned out of their conversation but then tuned back in. 

"Your voice, it dropped like two octaves," Fiona said which a small chuckle.  

"Yeah. My testicles dropped, too," Carl said with a small sway and smirked. Emily looked into his eyes and Carl glanced at the kitchen. His eyes lit up as he saw Emily. They both smirked at each other and Carl strutted into the kitchen. Emily put her beer down on the counter. Carl and Emily were now face to face. Emily's lips brushed up against Carl's as he lifted her onto the counter. He was now in between her legs. Emily smiled down at Carl as they looking into each other's eyes. Emily's hands cupped his face as his hands were on her sides. Carl pulled Emily closer to him, as their lips touched, moving together. Carl's tongue brushed against Emily's bottom lip, looking for entrance. Emily accepted, the kiss beginning to get more heated. In the background, Fiona chuckled, going upstairs leaving Carl and Emily alone. Emily smiled against the passionate kiss, happy to have him back. They stopped for a breathe, and Emily smiled down at Carl. 

"It's good to have you back," She said, smirking down at him and his cornrows.

"It's good to be back, babygirl" Carl said, with a fellow smirk of his own. 

•Late that day, at Carl's "Back Home" party•

Emily was with Debbie in her room, both of them talking. 

"His hair though oh my gosh," Emily said, her back sliding down the door.

"Emily, I have to tell you something," Debbie said, her face straight. Emily's head snapped up and she immediately became serious.

"Okay, shoot," Emily said.

"You fell for a Gallagher," Debbie said, giggling. Emily smiled and nodded her head.

"Tell me something I don't know!" Emily said with a chuckle. There was a knock on the door, and Debbie said: "come in". It was Fiona, and she walked in smiling. 

"Party is starting," Fiona said and closed the door again. Emily was happy it was time to go see Carl again since he had left so abruptly after they had kissed. 

"You ready?" Debbie asked Emily. Emily nodded, fixing her messy bun. Debbie and Emily walked downstairs together, just in time to see Fiona bringing in the cake to Carl. He sat up straighter, with a smirk on his face - until he saw the cake. 

"It's the only one they had," Fiona said, chuckling. Debbie and Emily exchanged looks, giggling, too. Carl ignored it and blew out the candles. He then looked over to his left, seeing a plate of eggs.

"Those my eggs?" He asked. Fiona and Kev nodded. Carl picked up the eggs and began to eat them. Fiona looked around and the doorbell rang. 

"That's my sleepover," Carl said, getting up. He opened the door, revealing a large, ebony boy; who wasn't really a boy. He looked about his late 20s, give or take. Fiona's eyes went large, and so did everyone else's. Carl and the man walked upstairs, and Kev kept looking at the eggs. He took them and began to eat them. Emily raised an eyebrow at Kev and chuckled lightly. Debbie and Emily looked at each other, going upstairs. They walked into Debbies' room and sat on her bed. Emily rubbed her forehead. 

"I'm so tired, and sadly we have school tomorrow morning," Emily said, with a short sigh. Debbie shrugged.

"We can go to sleep if you want?" 

"I can, you can go hang downstairs though," Emily said, getting up and grabbing a pair of PJ's. "Tell everyone I said good night!" Emily said, and Debbie nodded. Once Debbie left, Emily quickly changed into a big T-Shirt, with a pair of shorts under. She opened the door, walking into the bathroom. The dark man looked at her and got into the shower. Emily furrowed her eyebrows and cringed slightly. She brushed her teeth and took her hair out of the messy bun. When she exited the bathroom and started walking back to Debbie's room, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. She smiled, knowing who it was. She turned, still in the person's arms. Her arms snaked around the person's neck, looking up she saw Carl's face. 

"You wearing anything under that T-Shirt?" He asked, and smirked. 

"Well, yes actually," Emily said, smiling and chuckling. Carl's arms were wrapped around Emily's waist, as he pulled her closer to him. They smiled at each other, as their lips touched. Emily pulled away, smirking.

"Goodnight Gallagher," She said, turning walking back to Debbie's room.

"You're such a fucking tease!" Carl mumbled, and Emily chuckled at the sexual frustration he must be going through at the moment. She climbed into bed, and slowly drifted off to sleep. 


Well hello there.

I'm alive actually

Yeah so uh writer's block is gone. Expect another chapter coming out at like 2 in the morning because I'm on spring break and have nothing better to do than gather up ideas for the book, and rewatch Shameless :). 


and I'm giving y'all a heads up

when I write smuts it's gonna get a bit more 


X-Rated or more detailed... so yeah. I'll warn yall but uh don't forget your bibles and holy water because I demon will need to be expelled! love yall (also I might do a face reveal ;) )

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