●"Get you're hands off him"●

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{ Warning: This chapter contains mature language, some abuse, smut, and talk about drugs. If you are not comfortable reading this chapter because of what it contains, just leave. There's no trouble, i just don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable. I will be writing something like this for every chapter, just so you guys know what will be included! :) }


My eyes fluttered to life, and I saw Carl resting on his arm watching me.

"Morning"  He said, smiling at me. 

"Good morning" I smiled back at him. This morning I was in a pretty good mood, because my period finally passed. Only one more month until hell. He took his arm and wrapped in around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Our chest touched, and Carl brought his face closer to mine. Our lips collided, and I took a hand out from under the covers. Reaching up, I ruffled his hair and smiled against the kiss. His tongue rubbed against my bottom lip, and I accepted. The kiss got more heated, and he climbed on top of me not breaking the kiss. His lips trailed down my jawline, as my back arched a bit. I heard his door open, and Carl turned his head. 

"Jesus christ give me a warning if my brother and best friend are going to have sex" She said, laughing and left, closing the door behind her.

"Thanks Debs, you ruined the moment" I scoffed lightly, and Carl climbed off me. He laid beside me, and I got up. He turned at looked at me, smirking. I rolled my eyes and tossed on one of his shirts. I left his room and went to Debby's, where I kept my cloths. 

(Insert Emily's cloths here v )

I quickly changed and I looked at Debby for approval

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I quickly changed and I looked at Debby for approval.

"You're gonna get all the boys" She smirked.

"I already have the one I want" I smiled, and I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Wanna go to a movie later?" The pair of arms asked.

"Sure" I smiled. I turned around and planted a quick kiss on his lips, and walked away. 

"You're such a tease" He said chuckling, as he caught up behind me. He grabbed my arm causing me to spin into his chest. His lips crashed into mine, and he snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me even more into him. We pulled away after but he kept his arms around my waist. Sammi and Chucky walked in.

"Hey Uncle Carl"

"Ay Chuckles" I turned to face him. 

"Hey Aunt Emily" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Carl. He smirked playfully, and released me from his hold. 

"Chuckles, come out to the van I need to give you something." Carl said as he walked out to the van. 

"Okay Uncle Carl" Chucky walked after Carl. After a few minutes, I saw Carl tapping something to Chucky. Big whoop. Let's go see how Debby is doing so I can take my mind off whatever shit Carl is doing to Chucky.


Hours Later


I walked downstairs only to see Sammi looking more pissed off then she already usually looks.


"I did not!" Carl said back to her. 


"Heroin?" Fiona and I said at the same time.

"Fuck Carl" I groaned. He looked up and there was a knock on the door.


"Shit Carl, run!" Fiona said as she opened the door. 

"He went that way!" Sammi pointed where he went and the cops ran by me. I put up my middle finger to Sammi and chased after the cops. I had never ran faster in my life, and I finally caught up to the cops. I looked at them and they looked at me. I smirked and moved my legs faster, picking up more speed. My legs felt like they were on fire, and I stopped dead in my tracks as one of them got a hold of Carl.

"GET YOU'RE FUCKING HANDS OFF HIM" I screamed at the cop, as he bend Carl over on the hood of the car.

"Gay much?" I whisper yelled. Carl stained and faught. He stared at me. I franticly looked around. 

"Don't fight them, you'll just end up in prison too" He said, as he kicked the po-po in the leg. 

"I won't let you go to juvie!"  The police shoved him in the car. "Carl!" I screamed. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, as they drove away with Carl straining to turn around. 

Carls POV

Our eyes connected as I drove away. Tears formed in my eyes as I continued watching Emily. They were taking me away from her. I strained to continue watching her, but the car turned the corner, and I turned looking foward. Why was I so stupid. I trusted Chucky with a mans job, and now I'm going to prison. I shook my head. I'll see her again. I know it, I have to.

Emily's POV

The wind moved my hair as the police turned the corner. The streets were quiet, and I walked back to the Gallagher's. I opened the door, as more tears rolled down my cheeks. I glared at Sammi, and ran at her. Knocking her off her feet, I punched her multiple times until Lip pulled me off of her. He let me go, and my back ran against the wall as I fell to the floor.

"They took him" I said, wrapping my arms around my legs. "They took him..." I whispered, putting my head in my hands. I can't believe they took him...


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