Did that just happen?// Chapter Two❤️

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~March 11, 2017~


My eyes fluttered open, and I looked next to me. Carl was laying next to me, still sleeping, with is arm still wrapped around me. I tried to get out of his grip but in his sleep, he pulled me closer to him. 

"Don't go" He whispered. Nevermind, he is awake. 

"I need to shower." I said, chuckling. Looking at the clock, I groaned.

"What?" He asked, and sat up. I turned back to look at him and felt my eyes widening.

"Uh, it's after 11" I coughed, and looked down. What can I say? I didn't expect him to not have a shirt on. I heard him chuckle, but I didn't look up. I didn't want him to see how red my face most likely got. 

"Uh, I'm going to go into the shower" I said, and started to get up. His arm gripped my arm softly, and he got up with me.

"Happy birthday" He smiled. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear with my other hand.

"Thanks" I smiled back.This was the Carl that I really liked. The smart, sweet, and protective Carl. Cocky Carl was funny, but I preferred the other side of him. The side he basically only showed to Holly and me.

"Why can't I shower first?" He asked. 


"Why? Wait... How about we shower together?" He asked, and smiled his dirty smile.

"No, and because,"I paused, not actually having a reason for me going in first. "Well, because I said so. It's my birthday"  I said, pulling the 'it's my birthday so listen to everything I do' card.

"Fine" He groaned. He smirked evilly and leaned in close to my face. My eyes widened a bit and I felt my face getting red; again. 

"But that means whatever I say on my birthday, you have to listen to..."

"...Okay" I replied, hoping this wouldn't come back to haunt me on his birthday.

"I-I have to go to get some clothes (< ARE YOU PROUD @EmmaMcgowan8 ) from my house..."

"Mkay" He shrugged. 

"And by the way, saw you naked last night." He said as I left his room. I turned on my heel to look at him.

"What??" I asked.

"I'm teasing" He smirked. "Although I wish I did"

~Carl's POV~

"Oh, and how did I get into your room last night?" Emily asked. "I remember falling asleep on the couch last night,a" She said, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand.

"You came in with me around 1," I said, lying.

"Mhm." She smirked. "So, what did you whisper to me while you were carrying me up the stairs bridle style last night?" She asked.

"Oh, uh" I smiled weakly. "You're so heavy," I said, lying again. I didn't want her to know what I actually said. 

"Meanie" she said, smirking. She gave me 'that look'. The 'I don't believe you and I'm going to find out what you actually said to me' look. She turned on her heel again and walked downstairs. I heard the door close. Walking over to the window, I looked out to see her walking into her house.

"Yeah, I'm going to shower. It will probably take her a little while to get close for the few months she is staying over here" I muttered to myself. Looking in my closet I took out shorts, a baggy tank top, socks, and a pair of underwear. Walking into the shower I hopped in it.

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