Fuck You You Fucking Fuck //Chapter 7♡

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"Hey Emily!" Bonnie said, she seemed very happy as she shoved through me and into the house.

"Bloody hell" I nubbed my forehead. I looked at Carl as his jaw dropped lightly. Am I going to loose him to his first love??? No, no he wouldn't make that mistake again with Bonnie... I hope anyway...

"Bonnie what are you doing here" Carl asked harshly.

"I came back for you" she smiled up at him and grabbed his hands. Oh hell nah. I walked through their hands making sure they weren't together again.

"Bonnie, can I talk to you outside. Alone. Now." I asked through my gritted teeth.

"Sure! Come on Carl" She had a smug smile on her face as she reached for his hands, but I quickly slapped her hands away from Carl's.

"I'll say it one more time. Alone." I growled. The smug look on Bonnies face melted away, and Im afraid her face sisn't melt away too. What a shame, they probably needed a new person in hell... Bonnie didn't budge, and I grabbed her hand. I let go when Carl grabbed my hand and twirled me back to look at him. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

"I'm justt worried she is going to take you away from me..." I said, placing my lips together not looking at him in the eyes. he moved his hands from mine, moving them up to my face. He turned my head softly so I would look at him.

"She won't... I won't make that mistake again" Carl said in a sweet tone. Carl isn't normally the sweetest kid, but in the moments he is sweet it's pretty hot honestly. Hah. A smile formed lightly on my lips and he moved his face closer to mine, our lips touching. I felt my knees become jelly like they always do, and I felt the fireworks everyone talks about in the movies. I pulled away after about a minute and smiled. Carl let go of me and smiled. I smiled back at him as we let go of each other, and I turned around only to see Bonnie with her arms crossed. I grabbed her arm and pulled her outside of the gallagher household.  I released her and lightly shoved her. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked Bonnie. She smiled innocently. 


"Don't give me that shit" I growled, crossing my arms. 

"Fine. I...I  came back to apologize to Carl..." She said, her innocent smile turning into a fake frown. 

"That's all?" I asked suspiciously. 

"No, that's not all. I also came back to win him back!" I rolled my eyes. 

"Good luck" I walked back inside and upstairs to Carl's room. Knocking on the door, I listened for a reply. No reply came, and I opened the door. No one was there except for Lip sitting  on Ian's bed. 

"Hey kid" He smiled at me as he whipped out a cigarette and lightning it. 

"Hey Lip. Have ya seen-" I thought about it and remeembered he was still downstairs. "That little shit head" I growled. Lip looked at me funny. 

"One word, Bonnie" I said as I started out the door.

"Bonnie is back?!" Lip yelled. 

"Unfortunately!" I yelled back, as I ran down the stairs into the kitchen. I stopped dead in my tracks and listened to what was going on. 

"I'm so sorry for leaving you Carl..." Bonnie said with that fake frown again. She obviously saw me looking, because she took his hands and held them. I locked my jaw as Carl spoke.

"Bonnie I... I still love you" He said and Bonnie grinned. She placed her hand on his face and leaned in. Please no. Carl and Bonnie's lips touched, and I felt my heart break in my chest. My eye lightly twitched as I walked next to them. Carl opened his eyes and pulled away and walked after me. I walked outside and Bonnie trailed behind us. I whipped around and made Carl stop dead in his tracks.

"Emily it wasn't what it looked like Im so-" 

"You fucked up" I said as I saw Bonnie grinning. She was shorter than me, so to her I probably  could be pretty intimidating. I walked over to her.

"And you" I stood over her, practically shooting lasers out of my eyes looking at her. "You really have to fuck off you fucking fuck" I growled.

"Like you scare-" I took her head and banged it against my knee, making sure it hurt. 

"If you come near me, Carl, or his family again... It won't just be a broken nose. Are we clear?"

"Yes" Bonnie said, growling. She walked past Carl and planted a kiss on his lips. Believe me, I'm still pissed at Carl but Bonnie just wants to go to the hospital doesn't she. She smirked at me and started running. I chased after her and tackled her to the ground. 

"Fuck you" She rasped at me.

"Yeah I know a lot of people want to fuck me thank you very much" I said, smiling innocently. I slapped her in the face a few times, and got off of her.  "Never" I hissed. "Never come near us again" I walked away and into the Gallagher house hold. Carl ran up behind me, and I walked faster. He needs to get the hint that I'm pissed, and the way to show him is by ignoring him. You know you've really hurt a girl when she ignores you, so that is my plan. Carl grabbed my arm, and spun me around causing me to bump into him. I scowled lightly but stared at him.

"I'm sorry It's not what you think" He said, and I thought I saw tears.

"I think I saw you kissing you idiotic-bitch-ex." I said shortly. I didn't want to talk to Carl anymore; at least not tonight. He looked at me sadly, and I pulled myself away from his grasp. I . walked into debby's room to find her already passed out in her bed. Quickly Carl past the bedroom looking in and make eye contact with me. I broke it and curled up on the floor. A tear rolled down my cheek as I closed my eyes. I guess tonight I'll just cry myself to sleep...

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