●Sick Days and Apologies●

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{ Haha this is gonna be a bit of a smut, so Grab your holy bibles and holy water. Have fun cringing kiddos <3 }

Waking up, I saw Debby was watching me.

"What the fuck?" I asked, groggily.

"Well, Bonnie came back. You punched her. Carl and her kissed, I'm seeing Derek today... That hot hunk of-" I cut her off.

"Yeah, I get it"  I shook my head and slightly moved. "Oh hell no" I groaned.

"What?" Debby asked, looking concerned. 

"I'm on my period" I carried out the 'od', and felt like I was dying inside.

"Yeah it hurts like hell. Well, I'm going to see Derek. Everyone is out I think. Time to get some of Derek" Debby said with lust, winking at me.

"Have fun, and don't get knocked up" I said, laughing lightly. Derek was cool, but I told him if he ever hurt Debby I would kill him so yeah. (: . Rolling out of bed, I flopped on the floor groaning. Why today. Just, just why. I walked in the the bathroom and washed up. Grabbing a tampon, I closed and locked the door then put it in. Fuck it's uncomfortable. I looked around for pads, and couldn't find any. Double fuck. Someone knocked on the door, and I turned.

"Debby, I thought you left" I said, as I unlocked the door only to find Carl. "Oh,  it's you" I said, glaring at him a bit.

"Emily I'm sorry about what happened yesterday..." Carl said as I began walking back to Debby's room.

"Carl I'm really not in the mood" I growled, as I heard footsteps behind me, indacating he was following. I plopped back down on debby's bed, and squirmed a bit trying to get comfortable with the tampon. It doesn't hurt, but it was uncomfortable. It wasn't my first time using it but it;s still a bit uncomfortable. 

"Please" He said. I looked at him, and rolled my eyes.

"I'll give you five minutes" I said in a bitchy tone. He explained everything in most likely less than one minute. 

"I don't love Bonnie, not anymore. I love you" He said, looking at me sincerley. I stared blankly at him, until he started to get pissy. 

"God Emily why are you such a pain in my-"  Cutting him off, I pressed our lips together as my arms snaked around his neck. His hands found their way to my theighs, and I took the hint. I jumped up easily without breaking the kiss, and wrapped my legs around his torso as the kiss got deeper and more passionate. We broke the kiss, and opened our eyes smiling at each other.

"There's a really big problem" I said, and carl looked at me weirdly. "I can never not forgive you" I said, smiling. He brought his head up to mine and smashed our lips together. 

{Oh jeez idk how to write a smut I need a bible}

His hands snaked up my back, taking my shirt off. He paused for a second and took his shirt off, but soon came back to the kiss. His tounge rubbed along my bottom lip, and I accepted the invitation. We moved over to the bed, and Carl smiled against the kiss. He paused and started taking his pants off.

"CARL? EMILY? DEBBY?" I heard Fiona scream. She probably just got back home from work, and I looked up at Carl. He looked very sexually frustrated as he put his pants back on. He threw my shirt my way as he put his back on.

"Fiona, why are you such a cockblocker" He growled under his breathe. I chuckled as I put my tank top back on. 

"We're up here Fi!" I said, and I heard her footsteps coming upstairs. 

"Where's Debs?" She asked.

"Getting some from Derek" Carl smirked, as he moved his hips back and forth making humping motion. I chuckled, and Fiona shook her head. 

"Keep thinks PG-13 kiddos, I'm going over to V's" Fiona said, as she walked downstairs. I heard the door close and I turned to Carl.

"How did you know Debs was going to go see Derek?" I asked, once I realized i never told him where Debby was.

"I overheard you guys talking" He simply said and shrugged. 

"Hmm. Okay." I crisscroded my arms under my head and looked at Carl. 

"Uh, I have to go do something" He said and got up from where he was sitting on Debby's bed. 

"Off to go sell drugs?" I asked and sighed.

"You know it babygirl" He said winking. I got butterflies from the nickname he gave me, and chuckled. 

"I swear Carl if you get in trouble I'm gonna whip you" I said chuckling, as I got up and followed him downstairs.

"Maybe I should whip you instead" He said winking. 

"With what, your thumb?" I said.

"I do have a pretty big thumb" Carl winked at me. He approached me, and moved his hands to my face. Leaning in, he pressed our lips together. His hands moved from my face down to my waist, as he brought me closer to him. Our chests were touching, and he pulled away. He started walking out the door, and my eyes followed his every movement as I bit my lip lightly. A pain in my lower stomach came into play, and I ran upstairs into Carl's room.

"Fuck" I whimpered at the pain, and laid down. Hey, at least I have a few minutes of no pain.

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