We Meet Again, old 'Friend'// Chapter Three❤️

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"That's my name, don't wear it out" Joe smirked.  Once he let me go, I picked up my skateboard.  I started walking away, but Joe gripped my ponytail and pulled me back. I screamed at the pain and felt tears roll down my cheeks.  

"Where's your little boy-toy?" Joe asked. I knew he was referring to Carl.

"Just because Carl kicked your ass doesn't mean he is a boy toy" I smirked, as another tear rolled down my cheek. He tightened his grip on my hair, and it felt like he was ripping it out.

"I've been waiting to do this since 1st grade" He snickered, and another shocking pain electrocuted through my body. More tears rolled down my cheeks, and I stood up from the ground I fell on at one point. I slipped out of his grip, and put my foot behind his, and pushed him over.

"And I've been waiting to do that since 1st grade..." I said and started running with my skateboard in my hand. Frantically, I looked around. Where the hell did Carl go??  I continued running only to see him talking with Holly. He turned, and when he saw me he dropped his gray skateboard, running over to me.

"Holy shit" He muttered, as I ran into his arms. "Are you okay?!" He asked, holding me tightly.

"Don't waste your time on her!" Holly exclaimed. Carl turned his head to look at Holly, as I heard feet coming down the street.

"Holly, fuck off, okay? She is obviously hurt" He said.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever. She obviously has you wrapped around her little finger" Holly scoffed.

"Emily isn't like that" I heard rage building up in his voice. 

"Holly, we're done!" He said angrily, but I knew he didn't mean it.

"Ugh, whatever. I never really liked you anyway" She said, walking away with her little friends. He turned back to look at me, and he rolled his eyes. He lifted his thumb and whipped a tear away. I smiled weakly at him, and I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and throw me to the ground. 

"Michael Dean. Back for more?" I heard Carl say from above me. I felt someone pick me up and throw me back on the ground. I heard Carl grunt, and I felt shocking pain through my body.

"Touch her again" I opened my eyes weakly, only to see Carl beating the shit out of Michael. "I'll chew your nuts off with my teeth!" He exclaimed and paused.

"And not in a gay way." He said, picking Michael up by the collar of his shirt, and getting close to his face.

"That's your last warning..."He growled, and let him fall to the hard pavement. Carl ran over to where I was. I tried to get up but collapsed on the ground.

"Don't try to get up..."Carl said softly and picked me up. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist weekly and carried me home. Opening the door, he dropped our skateboards on the ground and set me down on the couch. Debbs and Lip rushed in with smiles on their faces that soon turned sour. It was now dark out, and I was ready to pass out with Carl.

"Oh my god, what happened Emily??" Debbs and Lip asked at the same time.

"Is everything okay?" Sara asked as she walked out. Sara and I got pretty close since she and Lip got together. In my opinion, they are adorable together. They protect each other, like Carl and I do.

"Two words." Car said frowning, as he kneeled next to me and stroked my face lightly.

"Michael Dean" His face darkened. 

"I think she needs sleep..." Sara said, and Carl nodded.

"She can sleep with me..." Carl said, picking me up again. 

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