Jealousy// Chapter Four❤️

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****{This chapter is going to be a tiny bit steamy, so I will let you guys know when it starts and when it ends if you guys don't want to read it. No clothes will be removed. Vote and add to your library ☺️ ❤️}****

"Thanks for having me Sara" I smiled politely at her as we sat on the couch together.

"Anytime." She said, ruffling my hair.

"Stop!"I said chuckling.

"Fight me motherfucker" There she is. Sassy Sara came to town.

"So, what do you need to talk about?" Sara asked.

"Carl.." I said, with irritation showing in my voice.

"What did he do??" She asked her face hardening a bit.

"He admitted that he liked me"

"Oh, that's terrible!" She said sarcastically.  I scowled at her but softened.

"And he said that he doesn't like Holly and he'll dump her to be with me.." I said, playing with the ring on my pinky.

"Ah, now we are getting somewhere.." Sara said.

"And don't get me wrong; I hate Holly. But she is still a person..."

"You're right, Emily," Sara said. My phone dinged and I looked down at it.

Debbs: Dood Jonathan is having a party @ his house 2day. Wanna come?

I looked up at Sara. 

"Hold on. Debbs" I said, chuckling.

Em: Maybe. What time? And is Carl going to be there?

I put my phone down but it dinged instantly.

Debbs: Uh... 2-9 whatever time. And dood your obsession with Carl is hilarious.

I rolled my eyes but texted back.

Em: 1: Is he going to be there? If so then no I don't want to go. If he isn't going to be there then sure. I'll come. Fancy? Or casual?

Debbs: Anything looks good on you babe XD and ok..?

Em: Okay, I'll be myself. Aka skateboard casual. I'll be at "our" house in a few. I'm @ Sara's  rn.

Debbs: Okay and why?

Em: Long story short, Carl is being a meanie to Holly.

Debbs: You still use the word meanie? lmao X'D But we hate Holly lol

Em: I'll tell you everything when I see you, ok?

Debbs: Okay. See you in a few.

"Okay um I'm gonna go see Debbs. Thanks for being here Sara."

"Anytime, Cheese"

I smiled when she called me 'Cheese'. I started running out the door.

"GOODBYE MAC!" I screamed. I could still hear her chuckling as I was out the door and heading towards the Gallagher household. 

-Arriving @ The Gallagher's-

I knocked on the door only to have it open and have someone stand in front of me- Carl.

"Hey E-" I walked past him and ran upstairs. Debbs was at the top of the staircase and we walked into her room. I heard two doors close- I guess one was the front door and the other was carl's bedroom door.

"What was that about?" She asked as we both sat on her bed.

"I already told you. Holly."

"You said 'long story short'. Aka you didn't tell the whole story" She smirked lightly at me.

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