Chapter 3

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It was Niall at the door.  He was in jeans and one of his “Crazy Mofos” shirts.  He was wearing his bright smile that could light up anyone’s day and he looked happy.

“Hey Spencer, are you sure you don’t want to come to dinner with us?  It would be nice for us all to go out together, you know, just for a break from the bus.”  He said sweetly.  Niall had been my best friend since Liam was in One Direction.  I could literally tell Niall anything in the world and he would keep it a secret and know exactly what to say to me to make me feel better.  But, I had to finish with Preston, which seemed to be going no where good.

“You know Niall, I think I will come.  Just, one minute, wait for me?”

“Yeah, totally.”  I turned my back to him to grab my jacket.

“Hey, Preston, can we talk about this later?”

“No, I need to talk now babe.  We are on completely different time zones and schedules here, I need to know you plan on getting to my games.”

“Preston, I really am going to try okay?  But right now, I need to go.”

“Fine, as long as you come.”

“Okay, goodbye.”

“You didn’t say I love you…”

“I love you Preston.”

“There ya go!  Bye babe.”  And with that, he hung up.  Niall was still in the doorway waiting, and I decided to not let that phone conversation get to me tonight.

“Ready?”  He asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be!”  I replied.  I grabbed my jacket off of my bed and followed Niall out the door. 

            There was one car waiting for us downstairs, and quite a few girls waiting to scream for Niall.  I don’t blame any of them, Niall is adorable, Irish, and he can sing.  The directioners are some lucky girls, and guys, to have such cute boys to fawn over.  We got through them all, smiling for their cameras, and got into the car. 

“Where is everybody else?”  I asked, looking around to realize that is was just me and him in the car.

“Oh, yeah they are already there, they are holding our spots at the table.  I stayed behind to get you.”

“But you knew I wasn’t planning on coming.”  One of our security guards named Steve began to drive us to the restaurant now. 

“Yeah, but I was hoping you would come, and look, now you are here and you are coming.  Yay!”  He said like the total goofball he was.  I punched his arm lightly, and he gave me such a dramatic overreaction.

“Oh, ow! Ouch, ouch, ouch, oh my gosh Spence, I think you broke my arm, oh, owwww….”  He was such a tease.

“Oh, poor baby can’t take a hit, do you need me to kiss it better?”  I said back sarcastically.

“No, if you come near my arm it might just fall limp.  You are too strong, I just can’t handle it.”  We both broke out in laughter, unable to even speak.  Steve thought that we were pretty funny too. 

“Why’d you wait for me though?  Why didn’t Liam try to convince me to come?”

“Because Liam didn’t know that you planned on spending the night talking to Preston.”

“And you did?”

“Well, yeah…”

“Who told you?  No one was supposed to know because Liam doesn’t really like Preston.”


“Niall come on, the restraunt is right there, tell me now or I am going to be dying all through dinner.”

“Ugh, fine… Gemma told me.  I asked okay?  Don’t get mad at her, I was just worried about you because whenever you talk to him for a long time you end up getting depressed and wanting to go home.  Liam needs you here, you are the only reason he doesn’t just fall apart.  He wants his little sister here so he has someone from his family with him.”  That was one of the deepest things Niall had ever told me about Liam.

“Really?  Liam gets that lonely?”

“Yeah, he does.  That’s why he brought you, plus, Lou needed the female help with hair and stuff.”  I wasn’t going to mention the fact that he just said that he worries about me.  That would make him turn as red as a tomato.

“Well, alright, thanks for that.  We should really go inside, don’t you think?”

“Oh! Yeah, let’s go inside.  Food, yum.”  We got out of the car and I followed him inside the restraunt, where everyone was waiting for us.

“Well lookie there!  Niall, you were right, you did get her to come.”  Louis said playfully.

“Alright then Louis, but did you already order my food?”  I said back, causing an overall “oooooh, burn!” from everyone else.

“Nice, come have a seat you two.”  He responded.  We walked over and sat next to each other in between Louis and Liam.  The waiter came over and asked us all what we would like, and because there were so many of us, we just decided to get a few pizzas and all share.  Conversations flowed across the long table between everyone, and I could barely keep up.

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