Chapter 7

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The shower felt absolutely incredible against my skin.  The warmth sent tingles through every inch of me and made me feel relaxed, but it was so much easier to cry now.  I sat down and let the shower hit my back while I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried into my knees.  Preston probably was cheating on me right now, at this very moment.  My back begun stinging, and I knew exactly why.  I could never tell anyone besides Gemma.  She was the only one who knew how I had gotten the huge mark.  Preston and I got in a huge fight right before I left, to make it short, he pushed me against a wall, not knowing that there was something sticking out of it, I still don't know what was sticking out of it, but whatever it was, it gashed my back across my left shoulder blade and down about eight inches across my back.  Preston apologized and helped wrap it up and kissed me and apologized before I left, I thought at the time that he seriously did love me.  What was wrong with me?  I guess you can be blinded by some guys, so blinded that a huge injury isn't enough to show you how awful they can be.  Gemma helped me clean the huge cut every night. 

            After about ten minutes, I decided that Niall was probably wondering why my shower was taking so long.  I got out and dried myself before putting on my clothes.  I was about to open the door when I noticed a small note sticking halfway under the door.  I grabbed it and read it, " Spencer, your brother is here.  Don't come out until I knock.  I will try to get him out fast."  Great.  Liam was here and he absolutely could never know that I used Niall's shower, let alone spent my free time with him, wearing his clothes and drinking tea with him while we watched movies.  I pressed my ear to the door to listen.

"Niall, I just don't know what to do.  Preston is cheating on her as we speak, I called the punk and his phone must have picked up in his pocket because I could hear him all over another girl making out.  I am glad I hung up when I did, but I can't tell Spence that.  It would honestly break her heart."

"I think she may be picking up on the whole thing, mate."

"I hope so, I just can't let her get hurt any more by this douche and... you seem to be pretty close to her, could you talk to her for me maybe?  I tried and she just yelled at me.  No one can hate you, you are lovable and Irish and... please will you just try?"

"Yeah man, I will try.  I am gonna get in the shower right now though, so I will talk to her tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, alright.  Hey, one more thing.  Do you know who she keeps sneaking off with for 'tea'?"  Niall's voice became quite nervous.

"No, I can ask that too."

"Thanks Ni.  See you in the morning."

"Yeah, see ya mate."  I heard the door open and then close again.  I opened the bathroom door to see Niall running towards the bathroom.

"Oh, I was just about to knock..  Glad you got the note."

"Me too!  Why is everything being cut so close?!"  I said, walking past him towards the couch.

"I don't know, but we have to be a tad more careful if we don't want Liam to find out that you come to me to tell me all of your deepest darkest secrets."  He yelled from the kitchen, pouring our tea. "Ouch!"  Great, the poor idiot must have either spilled or touched the kettle again.

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