Chapter 18

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Niall headed back to his room about an hour after I had gotten ready, as did Ashton, leaving Gemma and I to ourselves. 

"Nice outfit, I think I have seen you wear that one before... oh, that's right.  Niall picked it out, it's his favorite on you."  I rolled my eyes just as someone was knocking on our door.  "Oh, I'll get it."  She said, rushing over to the door.  "Thank you" she said politely, taking a tray from whoever was at the door.  She came back into our kitchen and set an omelet in front of me along with a pink smoothie.

"Why, you didn't have to spoil me!"  I said teasingly as she sat across from me with the same meal.

"Yeah, but now that everything is situated with Niall and Liam, I figured that we should celebrate.  Plus, I am so sick of fast food."  I nodded in agreement with my mouth full of omelet.  We enjoyed our food in peace, occasionally sharing our random thoughts and then laughing so hard at them that our food was almost spit across the table.  When we finished, we headed to her room so that she could get dressed and I could fix her hair.

"So, how did everything get fixed with you and Niall?"

"Well, when I went to room with Liam, I found Niall sobbing and then found out that he was in the same room as Liam so he took me there and then when I woke up, he was sobbing on the couch and honestly I couldn't bear to see him like that so I talked to him and we kind of both cried together and then hugged it out and I forgave him."

"That's lovely, I didn't see him come in with you."

"Yes that is because you were too enveloped in Spongebob... or was it Ashton?"

"Stop it!"  she said in a giggling manor.  "Don't tell Harry, he'd never forgive either of us."

"I promise, your secret is safe with me."

"Brilliant, wait... did Niall see the..."

"Yes.  After my shower this morning I showed it to him.  It's interesting actually, because when I showed it to Liam last night, he traced his fingers over it gently, and when I showed Niall, he did exactly the same."

"They wanted to feel it, to know the hurt and to make sure it was real so that all of their cruel thoughts towards Preston could be reassured as definitely positive.  That was far too many large words for a single sentence, holy cow get me some caffeine or something."  I laughed along with her at her last comment, but was now undoubtedly aware of just how insane my future was to be involving Liam, Niall and Preston.

"Also, I like the braid, did Niall do it?"

"He did."

"I am a wonderful teacher, aren't I?"

"The most spectacular that has ever lived dearest Gemma."  She smiled, finishing her last bite of omelet. 

"Help me choose what to wear?"  I stood up and followed her to her room with my smoothie still in hand.  She dug through her small suitcase and pulled out a bunch of stuff.  I finally narrowed it down to her black skinnies and a white v neck with her fun cheetah print scarf and matching flats.  "You're amazing!"  She said, beginning to change.

"Thanks.  Hey Gem... what do you think Liam is going to do to Preston?"

"Well..." she said, wiggling into her jeans, "I think he will confront him and I am guessing that after their confrontation... you will probably never see Preston again.  Your brother is quite persuasive."


"But, that'll only happen if he gets to Preston first."  she was now positioning her scarf and sitting in her chair so that I could do something with her hair.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you really think that on our next three day break that Niall wont be on a plane ready to strangle the guy?... Spencer, make sure he doesn't get to Preston before Liam does.  It wont be pretty."  she leaned forward and started doing her makeup while I continued to brush through her blonde hair.

"I'll try my best.  How exactly do I make sure that Niall stays?"

"Convince him."

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