Chapter 13

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The boys were interviewed and asked a lot about upcoming tours and future plans.  They were asked about the fans and staying grounded.  But then the interviewer asked them about family.  "So Liam and Harry, I understand that you both brought a family member with you?"  Harry responded first.

"Yeah, I brought along my older sister, Gemma and Liam here brought along his younger sister, Spencer."  Liam nodded in agreement with a smile. 

"And why did you choose your sisters?"  Liam responded first.

"Well, my mom has the rest of my family to take care of, and I thought it would be fun for her to take a gap year in between high school and you know, travel the world.  Not most people can say that that is what they do with a gap year."

"Well, not most people are your sister!"  The audience laughed along with the interviewer.  "And Harry?  You brought your older sister?"

"Yeah, well she is only a few years older so she is actually doing some college classes online.  She already went to a little bit of college so yeah.  I just think that a sister is the best person to bring.  She isn't my mother, but she is my best friend and she keeps me in line and also parties with me, so I think that it is a happy balance.  Liam would say the same I think?"

"Yeah, no yeah Harry is totally right.  I love bringing my sister because I can take care of her and still give her the opportunity to have an incredible time.  I don't try to boss her around, I just want to protect her and I love having her on tour with me because I can do that.  And yeah, she keeps us all in line along with Gemma so it is really great.  The two are real close friends so it is all good."  The audience cheered, making Gem and I blush. 

"Well, the sisters are backstage right now, why don't we bring them out?"  What?!  Gemma and I were both surprised.  The audience roared as Harry and Liam stood up to come get us.  At least we looked cute.  Liam grabbed my hand and escorted me onstage.  The lights were blindingly bright, but I knew that I was just supposed to smile.  Harry and Gemma sat back in Harry and Liam's spots, and a bench was brought out for Liam and I to share.  It felt kind of awkward to be on stage with my brother, but it was exciting at the same time. 

"Ah!  Well here we have the lovely Gemma Styles and the darling Spencer Payne!  Aren't they just adorable?"  The audience clapped again, strange.  I was only used to people clapping for me at stuff like choir concerts.  I have no idea how Liam ever got used to this, and this crowd was small.  "Spencer, we have met Gemma before, but never you!  Aren't you just cute, tell us about yourself."  Oh great, she was talking to me.

"Um, okay.  Hi everyone, I'm Spencer."  Cheering covered my words.  "Um, I live with my brother Liam, I sing in choir, I am taking a gap year to tour with One Direction...I don't know, what else?"  I had no clue what to say.

"That's all fun, how about a boyfriend?  Are you taken or are you fresh on the market?"  Liam squeezed my knee and whispered in my ear, "You don't have to say anything you don't want to."  That's when I looked up to catch Niall's view.  His face said sorry, but I was still pissed at him.

"Yeah, I have a boyfriend.  His name is Preston.  He is back home, but he plays basketball and is really handsome."  Everyone cheered again, and generally you would expect your spirits to rise when you were getting cheered on.  My heart did the opposite, it felt empty.  Too late to change it now.

"Well boys, sorry she is off the market, but she is still a cutie!  We have to take a commercial break, but we will be back in a few minutes to hear One Direction perform their single of the summer, Best Song Ever!"  The audience cheered and we had to smile until the producer man yelled Cut!  "Okay, boys go get set on the stage, girls, lovely to meet you, but go backstage now."  She said sternly.  I guess that some people aren't as kind as they seem.

            We all stood up to head backstage.  "Spencer, what was that?"  I heard Niall ask once everyone was ahead of us.  I ignored him and continued walking.  He then reached forward to grab my arm and spin me around so that I was facing him.  "Spence come on!"

"Come on?  No!  Niall, I have a boyfriend and I like him a lot, okay?  Stop trying to be my father!  If that is anyone's job here, it is my brother's, not yours!"  I will admit, I was forceful with the yelling, but he deserved it.

"Spencer..."  Liam said from behind me.  I turned to face him as Niall stormed past us.  "Spence please stop yelling at him.  Okay?  I asked him to say that to you so that I could see what was really going on between Preston and you.  I don't want him hurting you any more."

"Preston should be the least of your worries right now.  He isn't hurting me.  Why did you have Niall do it?  Why not Louis or Harry?" 

"Because Niall has helped me a lot with you.  You two seem kind of close, and so I thought that if he did it, then you wouldn't freak out.  With Harry or Louis it would have seemed like just teasing.  I am sorry, okay?  I just need to know what is all happening.  No more secrets Spence.  I need to know everything tonight."  He walked away to get prepped on the small stage with the other boys.  I joined Gemma backstage in the dressing room we had gotten the boys ready in.  I could hear the music start until Gemma closed the door.

"Spencer, I am so sorry."

"No, don't be.  You didn't do anything.  I just don't know if I can tell Liam everything, and I don't know if I can ever tell Niall anything ever again."

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