Chapter 5

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“Niall, how are you this evening?  You aren’t talking much.”  He looked up at me and faked a smile.

“Oh, I’m good.  I just love the pizza, just… trying to enjoy it.”  I knew he had heard the entire conversation that Liam and I had just had.  “Spence, after…”  He looked over at Liam to make sure he was engaged in another conversation and not listening to us.  “After you and Liam finish your talk, I’ll be waiting outside my hotel room and we can go somewhere and talk about it all, okay?”  He knew exactly what I wanted.

“Yes, sounds perfect Ni.”  He smiled and continued at his pizza. 

            Liam stood outside of my door waiting for me, while I lingered down the hallway with Gemma.  I didn't really want to talk about Preston, but he insisted.

            "Come on Spence... We need to talk."  He said, taking my hand and pulling me away from Gemma.  We walked down the hall and went into his room, which he was sharing with Zayn.  "We are going to go talk, be out in a bit."  He said to Zayn, taking me into his room and guiding me to a chair. 

"Spencer, you know I love you, I am your older brother and I just want to take care of you, and I have been watching you over the past few months... Spencer, you always seem really depressed after you talk to him on the phone and then it takes a while for you to get over it."

"Liam, I'm fine, really."

"Spencer, I need you to tell me the absolute truth here.  What is going on between you and Preston?"

"Nothing that shouldn't be!  He is my boyfriend Liam, what do you expect?"

"I expect him to treat you right!  Boyfriend or not, you are my little sister and the man you choose to be with better treat you right."

"He does."

"Then how did Niall convince you to come to dinner?  I know you were planning the whole night with Preston."  Great, now I had to tell him.  I was already fuming because of everything he was saying.  I know he is my older brother, but why can't he just let me make some mistakes and date some douche bags?

"Liam, okay, yes, I was really mad at him.  He was getting mad at me because I can't make it to his games because you want me here with you and he was yelling at me because of that."

"Why... has he done this before?  Yelled at you?"  His voice got softer and he came over to hold my hand.

"Doesn't everyone yell at each other in relationships?"

"Yes, but not because you can't make it to his basketball games because your brother invited you to come on a world tour with him.  Relationships are all about understanding and loving each other no matter what trials come up.  Spence... He should not be mad at you because you are in a completely different country.  If he cared about you, he would trust you and let you not be so stressed out about missing his games."

"I never said it stresses me out..."  He rolled his eyes at me to pretty much say 'Spence...You're an idiot', and he was right.  "Fine, maybe he stresses me out."

"Okay.  Well, I am not going to tell you to what to do.  I am just saying that maybe, you should re-think your relationship with Preston and then think about how much your life would change without him.  Okay?"  Of course, now he was being sincere like a brother should be.  Why was he so wonderful?

"Fine, okay, I promise.  Can I go now?"

"Why?  Don't you want to spend some quality time with your most favorite brother in the entire world?"  He replied sarcastically.

"Liam, darling, you know I would love to, honestly, but I have to be somewhere."

"And where would that be my darling little sister?"

"Liam, I am literally one year younger than you... and I promised someone I would meet them for tea."

"And Who is this someone?"


"Spencer!"  He picked me up and bunched me into a ball and began swinging me back and forth annoyingly.

"LIIIAAAMMMM!!!!"  I replied, giggling loudly enough for Zayn to bust in.

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