Chapter 27

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As soon as the song ended, I felt myself crying as well, looking right into his eyes, smiling.  That was it, that is what he was waiting for.  I smiled at him and nodded, he nodded in return and giggled to himself. 

"Gemma, I need to get backstage, now."

"What?  Why?"

"That was it, the song, Niall he... I..."  Her face lit up.

"Go!!"  I nodded and ran through the screaming girls and into the hall.  It took me a while to get through all of them, and to find my way back to backstage.  I ran and ran until I saw Louise and the others ready to help the guys change.  What Makes You Beautiful ended, and the audience was in a fit of screams and tears.  I stood back by the back door I came in through.  There was a tiny dark hall from the door to the full backstage area, and I couldn't step out of there.  I was scared.  I was shaking and I was scared.  I didn't know why, but I was.  I could hear everyone scrambling about backstage, and I kept myself plastered against the wall.  Harry ran out, followed by Zayn, the stylists, Louis, Liam, Louise and then Niall.  He was walking a little slower than everyone else, and thankfully was at the end of the line.

"Niall!"  I half whispered half shouted at him.  He turned and looked down the corridor to see me step away from the wall.  He ran towards me and I pressed myself against the wall again.

"Spencer, I... I... I didn't know how else to say it.  I couldn't wrap my head around a way to ask you other than that.  I'm sorry and I understand if..."

"Niall... Yes.  I want to start over, I want to try again at this entire mess we've gotten ourselves into.  Starting from the night before everything went wrong."

He smiled and lurched his hands forward, one to my waist and one to the back of my neck.  I giggled once our noses bumped against each others, as did he.  I reached my hand up to the his cheek and assisted him in filling the space between our lips.  My stomach erupted with butterflies, and the seal between our lips kept them from escaping, so they fluttered up to my brain, making every part of my body tingle.  He pulled me closer and kissed me harder and more passionately.  Everything about this moment was perfect.  When he pulled away, we both just stared at each other, holding on tightly, forever keeping this moment with us.

"Woah..."  He whispered against my lips, leaning in for another kiss.  I smiled during the shorter kiss, enjoying every moment of it.  He pulled back again and kissed my nose.

"Um, we should probably get to the bus."

"Good idea."  He took my hand and ran with me to the bus as quickly as possible. 

"There you are!"  Paul said, calming down a little.  The bus started and we were off.  "Where were you two?"

"Sorry, I forgot my shoes in the dressing room."  I said, sitting next to Liam.  Paul nodded and sat down closer to the front of the bus.  Niall was sitting across from me, trying not to blush, I was trying the same.

"Great job tonight big brother!"  I said, cuddling into Liam and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Why, thank you Spencer.  I loved seeing you in the audience tonight."

"I loved being there."  He turned his head to kiss my forehead and then rest his head on top of mine. 

We got to the hotel and I headed up to my room with Gemma.  I immediately flopped onto the bed and giggled to myself. 

"So I am guessing that you two finally kissed?"

"You would be correct dearest Gemma, you would be very correct."  She laughed and pulled me up. 

"Well then, maybe you should give him a surprise visit.  He is rooming alone..."  I felt every happiness that I was already experience rise a million more levels.  I stood up and headed towards the door.  "Wait!"  She said.  I turned around in time for her to throw my black shorts at my face.  I quickly shimmied out of my jeans and into the shorts.

"Thanks Gem!"  I peeked out the bedroom door to see Ashton coming down the hall.  "Ash, in here..."  I whispered.  He came to the door and kissed my cheek.  "She's all yours."  He smiled as I let him in and closed the door behind myself.  I ran down the hall quickly and ran into Niall's room, closing the door quickly.  "Niall?"  I looked around and realized that he was in the shower.  I locked the door and headed to his room to get a t-shirt.  After I changed into one of his shirts, I began wandering around the hotel room. 

There were a bunch of crumpled papers on the coffee table next to multiple mugs with coffee rings settled in the bottoms.  I sat on the couch and began un-crumpling the crumpled papers.  They were all notes to me.  Various ways he was planning on talking to me about everything.

Spencer, I know it's taken a long time and I am sorry for that.  It was so hard to watch you kiss him and I couldn't stand it, especially after the night we had together before.  From there it was scratched out and scribbled over, so I moved to the next one.

Spence... I haven't called you that in a while.  I miss you like crazy.  I really hope that stating my feelings for you didn't scare you away.  I haven't found the words to say and in all honesty, I am no where near ready to lose you again, it feels like we keep messing up over and over again and... This must have been the one he was writing when he decided to tell me through the song. 

Spencer, I hate Preston.  I hate everything he did to you, I hate everything he made you do and I hate that he hurt you.  What I hate more is that you wouldn't let me intervene and protect you.  I love you and I would do anything for you... I could feel my hands shaking as I read this one.  It is a good thing that it ended right there or else I would have started crying.


I love you.

Love, Niall.   I liked this one a lot.  It was the only one that wasn't crumpled.  Instead it was folded into eight rectangles and the edges were blue and black from being in his pocket for so long.  The paper was worn and had been unfolded and refolded many times.  I heard the bathroom door open, but stayed exactly where I was, reading over those three simple words over and over again.  I could hear him getting closer, although he tried to be quiet. 

"How was your shower?"  I said, still looking at the letter.  He joined me on the couch and kissed my cheek with his wet hair tickling my neck. 

"It was great.  How long have you been here?"  I grabbed his pen off the table and turned the letter away from him.  In the bottom corner of the paper, I wrote I love you too.  

"Not too long, why are all of these crumpled?"  I folded the letter back up and held onto it.

"None of them were right, it had to be perfect.  I couldn't think of the right way to say anything or how to go about stating the processes I had gone through to... find the right words.  The one you are holding is the one I debated on giving you every day.  I wrote it the same night that I dropped off your shorts and that other letter."

"Right... that letter.  I still have it."

"You do?"

"Yes of course I do.  Although it said everything, it clearly stated how you felt about me, and I felt exactly the same... I think it is about as worn out as this one."  I held up the letter and handed it to him.  "And by felt I mean feel... I feel the same."  He opened the letter and looked at the bottom corner.  He quickly set it on the table and faced me, pulling me in for a kiss.  He smiled through it, as did I, and somehow through it, we situated ourselves so that I was sitting on his lap.

"I love you Spencer."  He whispered against my lips, sending those butterflies fluttering around my spine. 

"I love you too Niall."  I whispered back, making him smile.

"I honestly never thought that I would hear you say that."  I kissed him harder after he said that.  I loved him, I always had and I always would.

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