Chapter 23

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Niall was still asleep when I woke up, and his arms were no longer around me, but just one across my stomach whilst we were spooning.  I slowly moved my body from his and quietly got out of bed.  I ran to the bathroom to change back into my other clothes, folded my shorts and his shirt and left them on the couch, and then left back to my room.  I felt bad for leaving him like that, but figured that it was best.  Ashton and Gemma were awake when I got into our room, but they were just cuddling.

"Hey, how'd it go with Niall?"  Gemma asked, climbing out of bed.  Ashton got out too and grabbed his shirt and shoes.

"It was fine."

"Are you going to be okay today?"  She asked.  Ashton came up behind her and kissed her cheek.

"See you on the bus babe" He said.  She turned around to give him a quick hug and kiss before he left us.  When he was gone, Gemma turned on the curling iron so she could do my hair.  I quickly changed into my black skinnies and a black v neck with a black blazer.

"Do you want to borrow my black boots too?"  She said, giving me a half smile.

"No, I'll wear converse."

"Okay, sit down."  I sat so she could begin putting curls in my hair.  I started on my makeup, which was also rather dark today.  "I think you have enough eye liner hon, relax, everything will be okay.  We will figure all of this out."  I put all of the makeup down and leaned back so she could finish my hair.

"Yeah, hopefully.  How was your evening with Ashton?"

"It was really wonderful.  We're going to tell Harry after tour."

"That's great."  There was a quiet knock at our door.  "Come in"  Harry walked in with Liam.

"How are our favorite sisters?"  Harry said, giving Gemma a huge hug.  I stood up to hug Liam, and I might have not wanted to let go.  "Gemma, let's get some breakfast."  Harry said, pulling Gemma behind him out of the room. 

"Liam, I need to talk to you."

"I figured from the hug, what's going on?"  I sat on the bed and held his hands while he stood in front of me.

"I... Preston is here.  He is coming to the concert tonight, and I have to see him.  Liam please don't confront him tonight, the last thing we need is a news story about you beating up my supposed boyfriend.  The media has already been hounding you about your breakup with Danielle.  You don't want them thinking that you have turned to violent behavior because of it because we know that they will make a crazy story about it."

"I will keep my distance, I promise, okay?  I just need you to be safe."

"Thank you, and I promise that this is the safest way."  He pulled me up into a hug and then kissed my forehead. 

"Let's go down to breakfast, okay?"

"Sounds amazing."  He smiled and took me by the hand out of my room. 

We headed down to the dining area that they had for us in a conference room so that we wouldn't be disturbed by fans.  Everyone was in there already, including Niall.  I did my best to not look at him and just pay attention to getting a waffle.  Liam and I got our food and sat at the long table next to Zayn and Paul.  Liam made conversation with everyone around him, and I could only stare at my food, occasionally taking a bite.  After a few minutes, Liam nudged me. 

"What?"  I shot my head up and looked at him.

"I asked if you were okay..."

"Oh yeah I am fine, I just have a lot on my mind... I am going to go get on the bus."

"Okay, I'll be out in a bit."  I stood up and threw away my food.   I got to the door of the conference room when Paul stopped me.

"Okay, let's get a few more people out to the busses so we don't have to make a million and a half trips.  Niall, Gemma, Harry, Luke, Ashton... let's go."  They all stood up and joined me at the door.  Kyle, another body guard, went to the back of our group and we all walked out.  Fans were swarming us, asking for pictures, which the guys stopped for.  Gemma and I kept pushing our way through to bus, but two girls who were standing at the doors asked for a picture with us, so we smiled for them and kissed their cheeks and then quickly got onto the busses.  It always made me feel better when fans wanted pictures with Gem and I as well.  I went to the back row of the bus, which was hidden by a curtain, and just sat in the corner seat.  Within three minutes, Niall came through the curtain and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you leave this morning."

"I didn't want to wake you."  I said quietly, pulling my knees up to my chest. 

"I wouldn't have minded.  Are you okay after last night?"

"I think so, that dream kind of just... messed with my head."

"Yeah, I could tell from the screaming and the shaking and the falling over.  What exactly happened in it?"

"Um, you were dead.  Someone I know killed you and you were... black and blue and very, very dead.  I kept calling for help in the dream but no one came, and I am guessing that my dream screaming was real.  But you're not dead so I guess everything is okay."  He scooted a little closer to me.

"Yeah, I guess that's good.  I would hate to be dead right now.  Um, I was wondering... would you like to stay over again tonight?"  I took a deep breath and knew that he was going to be taking that question back later.

"I don't think you'll want me to."

"Of course I will, I love it when you stay over.  Even when you have interesting dreams about me dying."  He pulled my hand from my knees and kissed my cheek.  This couldn't be happening.

"Niall, the fans are watching and Liam could get on the bus at any second."  I said, pulling away from him.

"The windows are tinted, the fans can't even see us.  And Paul hasn't come back out yet...  Is there something else bothering you?"  The fans began screaming louder and Paul was coming out with the rest of the group.

"I'm fine.  I can't stay over tonight, I'm sorry.  Besides, I wouldn't want to wake you up again."

"Spence... I told you I don't mind."

"Liam's coming, just... we'll talk later, okay?"  He nodded and I scooted a seat away from him as Liam came back to sit with us.  This was going to be a long day.

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