Chapter 25

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I waited backstage during the entire performance that night.  Gemma came back stage, looking frantic and took a deep sigh when she saw me sitting on the fly system.  She sat next to me and held my hand.

"Are you okay?  I have been looking everywhere for you.  Preston came back in the halls and he took a picture of Ashton and I and told us that if we followed him that he would send it to Harry.  Did he find you?"

"Yeah, he found me.  He hurt me pretty bad too, but Niall stopped him and Paul took him out and I have no idea where he is right now, but I know that he isn't allowed anywhere near us.  So I am going to guess that we have a restraining order against him.  Also, because of the abuse that Paul witnessed, he could have Preston arrested.  I am probably going to have to talk to the police at some point, but anything to keep Preston away.  And don't worry about the picture, Niall kind of smashed his phone."

"Oh my gosh.  I am so sorry about everything Spence.  Is Niall okay?"

"I don't know.  He's fine physically, Preston didn't hurt him, but emotionally... I have no idea.  I had a panic attack after I saw Preston the first time, after he kissed me... You had gone down the hall with everyone, but Niall and Liam ran back to me.  Liam couldn't calm me down, but as soon as Niall touched my hand, my body started calming its self down.  By the time Liam came back with Paul, I was fine."

"So, Niall saw the kiss, saw you panic, helped with the panic and knows that he's the one that helps with that, saw Preston hurting you, helped get Preston out of here and has to deal with all of that on top of what happened last night between you two?"

"Yeah, so he's pretty much an emotional wreck right now and it is completely my fault."  Louise called us over so we could do mic and clothing changes for the boys.  We stood in place and waited for them to run back here.  I handed Liam his shirt and changed his pack quickly and let him run back on stage.  Niall didn't hurry as fast as the other boys.  He walked away from Linnie after she helped him change and he took a minute pacing backstage. 

"Niall get on stage!"  Louise yelled to him.  He put his guitar over his shoulder and headed to the stage, walking by me.  He slowed to a stop when he got to me, looking me directly in the eyes.  I gulped and saw him take a deep breath and then close his eyes for a moment before walking back on stage in time for his solo.

"It's okay, he will come around."  Gemma said.

"I sure hope so."

We walked back to the dressing rooms to get everything cleaned up and onto the bus.  We had one night left here and then we would be back on the road.  My biggest fear was that he wouldn't be ready to talk to me for a few weeks.  I had just gotten him back, we could not be over again this quickly.  Everything was perfect until Preston came back into the picture.  We went backstage and waited for them to finish the last song so we could escort them to the busses. 

The song ended and they took their bows and jumped through the stage and came back to get us.  Liam grabbed my hand and ran to the bus with me, swinging me onto his back for a piggy back ride halfway there.  We got to the bus and he set me on a seat and then sat next to me.  He grabbed my arm and I pulled away quickly.

"Spencer, Niall told me what happened, I just want to see."

"Will you wait until we get to the hotel?"

"Yes.  The ones on your face are kind of bad sis, you might want to ice them."

"Are they really?"  I said, reaching up to touch the sore spots.

"They're purple.  Are you alright?  I haven't asked yet."

"Yeah I am fine.  I'll be fine is what I mean... What is going to happen to Preston?"

"He is getting sent back home and we have a restraining order against him.  He can't ever bother you again, I promise."  I leaned against him and sighed.

"Thank you Liam."

We got to the hotel and Liam followed me to mine and Gemma's room to observe the bruises.  I took off the blazer and slowly unwrapped the ace bandage.  We all gasped in unison when we saw the result.  My entire forearm was bruised a light purple surrounding the big black bruise in the shape of Preston's hand.  It was a little swollen and hurt to the touch. 

"Spencer, I am so sorry that he did this."

"It's my fault for not getting rid of him sooner."

"That's not your fault, he was abusive and it was difficult to get away from him.  He hurt you, the point is that he is gone, and you are safe now."

"Thanks Liam."  He kissed my head.

"Get some sleep Spence... I will see you in the morning."  I nodded and he left Gemma and I to ourselves.  She grabbed the bandage and wrapped my arm back up.

"I think you should go to Niall's room tonight, go talk to him."

"I told him that I would give him some time to think about things."

"More like more time to consider how broken he is.  Go and fix him while you can."  I nodded in agreement. 

"I'm just going to talk to him.  I'll be back tonight."

"Ashton is a bit too spooked from what happened with Preston anyways so he wont be here.  Good luck."  I nodded and opened the door to our room.  I looked down and saw an envelope sitting on top of my black shorts.  I bent down and grabbed them and then walked back into our room.  "What is that?"  She asked as I sat on the bed.  I opened the letter inside the envelope and read it out loud.


I am sorry about what happened today and I hated seeing you in such agonizing pain.  I blame myself for not trying harder, and I am sorry that I obviously scared you last night.  I went too far and I am so sorry for that.  I don't understand what happened tonight at the meet and greet or why you let that happen.  I don't know how you feel about me and I don't think I am ready to handle the truth at the moment.  Believe me, this is incredibly difficult to write...  Spencer, I am in love with you, but I can't be right now.  Every reminder of you makes me only want you more, and I can't have you.  Take these, keep them with you, when I am ready to accept what is happening then I will be able to take them back and maybe we can start back where we were last night, but until then, just know that I love you and I care about you.  I can't talk to you in person because I need to figure this all out on my own.  I'm sorry.  I love you.

Love, Niall.

The letter had some tear stains on it that were now being joined by my own.  Gemma took the letter from my shaking hands and read over it again.  I couldn't process any of my thoughts, my heart felt like it had fallen out of my butt and I didn't feel like moving.  He said it, it was there in black ink in his handwriting.  I love you. Well Niall... I love you too.  I love you too...

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