Chapter 5

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The year that became of my school life was less eventful after the fire. It hadn’t taken me long to recover from that numbed shock I had felt.

I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt it. The other Professors reacted in their own ways to the event. Some even took longer than I did to recover from it. Though Dr. Jekyll wasn’t as affected as the rest of us. I wasn’t surprised by this though; he hadn’t been there as long as the rest of us.

The preps didn’t bother to confront me after the fire, which was a relief. I had been plotting their demise each day I walked into that school. I had also managed to narrow down my list of suspects who set the library on fire, because certain preps did everything in their power to avoid Cherry and me completely. I wasn’t surprised either. I guess my promises had finally sank into them.

Graduation was dull and they had asked me to do a graduation speech which I accepted knowing that members of the police force, and each military branch were watching. I walked onto that stage, no paper, no need to organize what I wanted to say to the entire school in that moment.

“Members of the public, our friends and our families, members of the Police Force, members of the Military, members of the staff of Anglo University, fellow graduates and future students! I stand before you to give a speech I have prepared ever since I began walking the halls of this University!” I noticed several students and staff members flinch at my words as I took a small breath.

“Ever since I began attending Anglo University, with the exception of the Science Departments members, I have seen enough evidence of corruption that could condemn the entire University. Bribery, Blackmail, Thievery, Adultery, Pornography, Insubordination, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, and so much more. The level of corruption that sat in this University alone is more than enough to make me sick. Let’s not forget; During Winter the attempted murder of not only my life, but the life of my friend, and the entire Science Department!” I pointed to the crowd.

“And I will tell all of you now! I have narrowed down and know all four of those who participated in the fire that burned the library to the ground! I also know those who ordered the burning to occur!” I took a last breath to calm myself.

“It’s not hard to see these things. For the fact that they are even graduating proves me right! This is all I have to say as a graduation speech. These are my last words to a University that should not call these students graduates!” I turned away at the sound of silence and grabbed mine and Cherry’s diplomas tossing hers to her before I walked out of that building.

I walked to my hearse, not caring if Cherry followed me out, laying in it with a sigh. I was finally free of that University, and that was enough for me.

I waited until Cherry joined me in the hearse before I drove her home. I dropped her off, then drove to the cemetery I often visited with Evangeline. I didn’t cry, I felt like I wasn’t able to anymore.

I sat on the hood of my hearse, staring out at the graves below the hill, out towards the lake shimmering with the suns dying light.

I felt my phone go off, and checked the message to see one message from Evangeline.

Congratulations on graduating Geix! I miss you!

Attached was a picture of her wearing the ring I gave her, I smiled slightly, and sent a response message to her. I laid there until I got a call from Cherry.


“You should come home. You might want to see what’s happened.” I sat up and climbed off the hood as I used the window to get back into the hearse.

“I’m on my way now.”

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