| MATT |

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Chapter 42.5

It's so weird... I never received a message back from Zac for like the past six hours. It's totally not what I expected. We've been texting for the past three days and then he suddenly stopped texting me?

            Oh Matt, he might be doing something important. More important than you.

I put my phone on top of the kitchen table. I pull out one of the wooden chairs and sit down. I pick my school bag up from the floor and put it on top of the table. I unzipped my bag and pick up my biology textbook.

I started skimming throughout the pages and focus on the important parts of the book. Our biology teacher is giving us a quiz about sexual reproduction.

Maybe I know a thing or two about sexual reproduction, but it's not enough for me to answer the test. It's just disturbing cause during the lecture, the students keeps making these irrelevant noises that are so sexual that it tends to distract the class. Especially the jocks who keeps moaning when it comes to the parts of vagina.

            Geez, it's just a vagina. What is so sexual about it?

I sigh as I continue looking at the page. What is Zac up to? Is he busy practicing for the game? But, it's like ten o'clock in the evening. Who plays basketball at this time of the night? I tear my view away from the book and look at my phone. I stare at it with my brows arched together.

I wonder what you're doing.

I look away from my phone and focus back on the book. I let the words that I read sink into my mind.

"The Male Reproduction system, called as the Penis (pic 3), secretes a white fluid called the 'semen'. The semen contains the other half of the chromosome. The semen is stacked inside a cell called the 'Sperm Cell. The sperm cell is a tiny spec that swims around the scrotum.'

It's so funny. Who would have thought that all of us came from a little tiny sperm that floats inside our father's scrotum. Human biology sounds so complicated, but at the same time interesting.

I was about to continue reading when suddenly my phone quickly rings and it startled me a little. I look at the phone too see who it was and to my surprise it was Zac. I quickly grab my phone and tap 'answer'.

"Hello?" a deep voice speaks out on the other end of the phone.

I gulp in nervousness and calm myself by sighing.

"Hello?" I responded silently.

"Matt." my eyes widens as I realized that it was Zac's voice.

"Zac." I say out of realization as I hold my phone tighter.

"Are you alone at your house right now?" He asks. His voice seems so rough as those words come out of his mouth.

I slowly look around my surroundings and focus back to my phone."Yeah, why?" I ask silently.

"I want to see you." He says lowly.

My heart stops along with my body. He wants to see me?

"W-what? W-why?" I ask as I stuttered.

"I...just want to see you...." He quietly says and slowly trails off.

I stopped talking as I heard those words. His voice sounds so tired and lonely. It seems he wants to talk about something so crucial.

"But, its almost midnight. Aren't you planning to go home? Your parents might be worried about you." I said with worry.

He let out a fake small chuckle and sighs shortly. "Yeah, like they care about me." He says sarcastically.

"Just help me out here Matt." He pleads in desperation. I stay silent, debating to answer or not.

"Please, as a friend...." He whispers. I gulp in nervousness as I grip my phone tighter.

Yeah, as a friend.

"O-okay, just tell me when you are here."

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