Chapter 2: After School Fun

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Pic of Persia on the Side >>>>>>>


Soo right now I'm in 6th period with Persia, Nicki, Carly, and Katie and we are sitting up in the front of the class because according to what Missy said earlier it was to always sit up front with other CCP girls because Nerds and Nobody's sit in the back. I wanted to punch her in the face when she said that because I used to be one of those kids in the 9th grade. Ugh that Bitch!

This teacher was soo annoying! My thinking was interrupted when the Mr. Harrison I think asked me to answer the question. "What's the answer Brooke?" He asked. He was kinda young like the early 30s and he already hates me because I'm hanging out with CCP girls. Its my first fucking day and Im already a target. I didnt even do anything...yet

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" I said keeping it cool. It was silent now. "I knew you were not paying attention I was watching you. I knew you would be a trouble make-" he started but I interrupted him. "Why you so obsessed with me, like your watching me?" I said sounding a little amused at his anger. Everyone started laughing and I smirked.

"What did you just say?" He asked daringly but I was brave. "Did I stutter? I said Why are you obsessed with me?" I stated. "Do you want detention is that what you want?" He asked

"Do you wish to speak to my father Chris Evans, Mr.Harrison?" I asked innocently. See the thing is my parents are wealthy and have a really high status so they would negotiate with the Principle and get this teacher's ass fired faster than a bullet.

"You mean The C-Chris Evans?" He stuttered realising who I was talking about. "No shit Sherlock" I said softly with sarcasm. "N-never mind Mrs.Brooke. Back to work everyone" He stated writing on the board again. Everyone was whispering about me about and my rich parents.

"Omg we like never get away with anything in Mr.Harrison's class. And your the first. Not even Missy can. Girl you got power" Persia stated from my right. And I turned to her and smirked. "It was too easy" I stated and Nicki, Persia, Katie, and Carly laughed.

"I like you" They stated at the sane time and I laughed. "I like you girls too" I said faking a tear and we laughed and we chatted secretly until the bell rung...


In free period it is awesome cause I get to hang out with the girls without Missy. "So Persia got any 'juice' today?" Carly asked Persia. "Girl you know I do. I got some Jack Daniels and Tequila" Persia stated smirking evilly. "Okay...Im lost" I stated and all the girls laughed.

"Me, Katie, Nicki, Carly and Bridgette hang out in this free period in my car and drink a whole ton of booze but not with Missy she'll just talk shit and ruin the fun" Persia stated and all the girls shook their heads in agreement. I guess Im not the only one that hates Missy.

"Soo Brooke you in?" Carly said stepping towards me. It wouldn't be the first time I drunk on liquor on a school campus. "Hell yea!" I said and they all the wooed and gave me high fives. "Lets go have some fun!" I shouted and the girls and I walked to a purple Chrysler 300 which is Persia's car which looked really nice.

"So where do you get the booze from?" I asked Persia who was in the front seat with Carly. "My older sister Jenni" (Jwoww from Jersey Shore). "Let's crack open these bad boys" Carly shouted and they both grabbed a bottle and popped it open in the air. Katie gave us red cups and Persia and Carly filled our cups.

"Brooke try the Jack Daniels and Tequila together" Bridgette said from my left. "Sure" I stated and the girls giggled and we all did a toast. "To our new CCP girl" Nicki shouted and the girls followed. So this is how it went down.

One cup...

Uh Two...

Uh Three

And then some and then another...

By the time I reached like 9 cups I was beyond tipsy. "Soo I had this idea ladies" I slurred. "Yea?" the girls slurred while swaying a little. "We should come to school tommorow wearing a geek but chic outfit like with geeky glasses but still look cute.and dont worry I'll tell Missy" I stated feeling a little less tipsy.

"Great Idea Brookie lets make the theme colors black and white and who ever doesn't wear the outfit cant sit at our table" Bridgette stated and the girls agreed. I clapped my hands happily and squeeled "Yay!". All the girls laughed and Nicki, Katie and Bridgette hugged me and of course Bridgette snapped a selfie which made us all laugh...

I looked at my phone and saw we were going to be late for class. The music was still blasting the song 'It won't stop' by Sevyn Streeter and Chris Brown and all the girls are sprawled out on there seats and Katie was sprawled out on us girls in the backseat with her head resting on the door and empty bottles of booze all around us.

"Guys! The bell's about to ring!" I yelled and the girls snapped out of their daze. They quickly took out their phones. "Shit!" They all yelled and we scurried out of the car and stumbled towards the building. "Wait girls!" Persia yelled and we turned towards her. "Here take one" Persia stated opening her palm to reveal 6 red pills.

"What are these" I said swallowing the pill as did the others. "They keep you sober so in other words they get rid of the tipsy. My dad is a scientist and he made them and Jenni stole a lot and I stole from her" Persia stated as we walked into the building.

"Can one of you guys show me to my class because I have no idea where it is" I stated. "I'll take you its right by my class" Carly stated. "Kk" I said and she slung her arm through mine and we walked to my class. "BTW I HAD FUN WITH YOU GUYS TODAY!" I yelled to the girls across the hall. "US TOO!" they shouted back and I smiled and turn to Carly.

"Brooke, Brooke, Brooke you are playing a dangerous game my friend that I know you'll win cause Im gonna help you" Carly stated in all seriousness. "W-What are you talking about?" I asked nervously. "You are trying to Take down little Missy Queen Bitch for something she's done to you or whatever but the point is I'm gonna help you. She's a huge pain in the ass who needs to be taken down" Carly stated matter-in-factly.

"You will...but I thought-" I started but she interrupted. "Think we liked her! Ha no way she's a bitch who thinks she rules everyone and thinks she's all that. I wanted to take her down too believe me, but I'm not that powerful as you are. Like come on! Your hotter and richer than she is! Your parentd practically owns her father! And thats why we need you to take her down for us! Just let me help you" she stated.

"Omg thank you" I squeeled and squeezed her and she hugged back. "Go before your late to class" she said giggling. "Okay by" I said going to the classroom. "By barbie" she yelled. "Shut up" I said laughing and entering the classroom. Same routine with introducing yourself then sat down next to Missy and she flashed me a smile and so did I but a fake one and turned my attention to the teacher.

While she wasn't paying attention I sneeked into Missy's purse for her phone and went to her settings and put down the ringer volume down and sneeked it back into her purse unnoticed. The point of that was so when tommorow all us girls will be wearing geek and chic look she wont and she wont be able to sit with us and she cant blame me because her ringer was down. Smart huh...

Queen Bitch your going down one way or another..

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