Chapter 7: Accidents

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Pic of Katelyn to on the side>>>>>>

The next day when the guys saw the new table they were impressed with it and the girls stood there practically gawking at it and people who passed by talked about the new table and some even took pictures.

The whole day Missy stayed away from us as possible even in cheerleading she didn't even show up. She was completely out of it! She had no makeup, her hair was a mess and she was in sweats. I tried to to talk to her but all she did was ignore my presence or give me a cold glare that told me to back off. Atleast I tried people!

Later that day Jace and I once again found ourselves on the couch staringat a blank TV screen because neither of us wanted to grab the remote. "Well Ima go change and think of something to do" I stated getting up and going to my room. Well while I'm at it I might as well take a nice bath right?

I went to my bathtub and ran the water and added some bubbles and bath salt. I stripped down and got into the bath and put in my earbuds and listen to some pieceful music. The bathroom was filled with candles so it was kind of dim just how I wanted it.

After about an hour I felt movement in the bathroom but I thought is was just my imagination and kept my eyes closed. I pulled out an earbud and heard a zipper being pulled down and pants falling to the floor. I looked to my left and saw a stark naked Jace standing there yawning with his eyes closed.

"AAAAAHHHH!!?!" I screamed and so did Jace when he noticed he wasn't alone. "WHAT THE FUCK BROOKE!!" he yelled still shocked with his eyes wide while grabbing a towel and wrapping him self. "OH, I'M SORRY! IT'S A NORMAL EVERYDAY THING TO TAKE A BATH AND OPEN YOUR EYES TO NAKED GUY IN YOUR BATHROOM!!!" I shouted in sarcasm.

We were silent for a while just standing there and luckily the foam of the bubbles in the water covered my whole body but my face. His signature smirk suddenly evolved on his face. "So you think I'm a man now-" he started but I cut him off. "GET OUT!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs and he nodded quickly and scurried out of the bathroom. To be honest his body wasn't half bad...What the fuck am I saying he is only and will always just be my best friend.

I groaned and got out of the bathroom and drained the water. I forgot to bring clothes so I had to leave the bathroom in my pale pink bathrobe. Right when I opened the door I immediately bumped into a hard chest which resulting in me falling but two strong arms wrapped around me preventing that. I looked up and saw Jace holding me and looking down at me. I looked to where his eyes were headed and I saw the robe opened on my chest resulting in me showing a lot of cleavage. I blushed and ran into my room and to my closet.

Before I was completely in I heard Jace scream. "DON'T WORRY BABE YOUR BOOBS LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" My face was probably as red as a tomato. The thing is he said beautiful not 'sexy' like a regular guy would say and that put kind of small smile on my face.

I changed into some fluffy shorts and put on my bra and put on one of Jace's sweaters because they are ten times more comfortable. I brought the front up to my face and took a big whiff of it. It smelled just like him. Then I heard a door bust open right when I was sniffing his sweater.

I looked up and saw an amused looking Jace staring at me with crossed arms. "Still not over your sniffing habits I see" he stated smirking. "Oh please I never had a sniffing habit" I stated straightening my back avoiding his eyes and squirmed a little. I was lying, I actually did and still do have a sniffing habit, from sniffing old books to car gasoline and more.

Jace started walking towards me slowly with a straight serious face. "Brooklyn Stacy Evans, I know everything about you. Like how when you laugh hard your left eye twitches, when you're angry your eyes turn into a stormy grey color and your nose flares, when you're lying you avoid the person's eyes and squirm a little, when you want something really bad you stare at it and bite the right part of your lip-" he was saying but I cut him off.

"Jace buddy, has anyone told you, you are a very observant boy" I stated smiling. I just love how he knows every flipping thing about me. It shows that he actually cares. "Well Brooke baby, I am a very observant MAN when it comes to special people like you" he said smiling a lop sided grin.

I couldn't help but hug him he is just so fucking awesome sometimes. "Do you tell all your fuck buddies that to lure them into bed" I stated into his chest and when I said that his arms tightened around me. "Hmm...depends if I say yes will I be under the ground not breathing nor living?" He asked nervously giggling. I stepped back and started poking him everywhere causing him to squeal and laugh. "Okay I was kidding! Please stop!" He said out of breath.

"Say I am the prettiest and perfect girl in the world and you wish to one day marry a girl like me" I said with my arms crossed. " are the most prettiest and perfect girl in the world and I wish to marry you one day" he said than suddenly froze. "What did you say?" I asked in a shocked voice. "N-nothing" he said while his face turned red from blushing. "You said that you would like to marry me-" I started. "It was on accident" he said in a shaky voice. "Oh" I said and wanted to kick myself for letting my disappointment show.

. "Brooke I-" he started but I silenced him. "It's okay we're just friends" I stated grabbing some hair supplies. "Yeah just friends" he stated through clenched teeth but I did'nt question it. I grabbed a tank top and went into the bathroom and changed into a tank top. Then I put pieces of tin foil all in my hair and put hair spray in it. While I was at it I put some sun screen on.

I walked into my storage closet and grabbed a beach chair and set it in my backyard. I sat in it and layed my hair out so the sun reached it. Then a shadow infront of me blocked my sun.

"What are you doing?" Jace asked. "I am sun dying my hair so it turns blondish-gold and getting a tan so do you mind moving because you're kinda blocking my sun" I stated. He sighed and went inside and came back out with a beach chair also and sat down next to me.

"What are you doing" I asked. "What does it look like I'm doing getting a tan duh" he said in a girl voice which made me laugh. "Well I'm bored so let's play 20 questions"


We've been playing this game for quite a while throwing questions back and forth and I think it's time to ask the ultimate question. "How many girls have you slept with?" I asked. "Hmm I'm not sure most of them I was not sober" he stated honestly. "How bout' you" he asked. "Five and all of them I was pretty much drunk" I said. When he was going to ask something else Kelly and Allison popped out through the back door and they stared at me.

"Sun dying your hair" they asked and I nodded my head. "Who would have guessed our baby sister was interested in this stuff" Kelly stated as they walked to the pool. Guess they're going for a swim. I looked on my phone and saw it was 6:30 p.m. I got up and grabbed my chair with me and Jace followed me inside. We put our chairs away and went into my bathroom and he still followed.

I took out the tin foil and brushed out my hair. My hair looked awesome blonde and gold. I didn't iron it because my hair has natural waves in it and I want it to show. I turned to Jace and saw him staring at me. "Soo what do you think" I said bending down so my hair came infront of my face and flipped my hair back while biting my lip. He looked dazed.

"Hello earth to Jace" I said waving my hand in his face. He snapped out of it and nodded. "Your hair looks Beautiful Brooke but what's the occasion?" He asked grabbing my hand and swinging them with a smile on his face.

"I am going for a modeling shoot on Saturday and I'm gonna be on the cover of 17 magazine!"


Readers I will need 15 reads, 5 votes, and 5 comments to upload 'Chapter 8: Modeling Day' so that's what's up! Deuces people I'm Out!!!

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