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Cassy's alarm sounds and I groan. "Shut that thing up!" I pull my pillow to my head and try to go back to sleep. But Cassy's annoying ass snatches the pillow and opens the blinds. "What the hell Cass! Let a girl get some sleep for once!"
"Are you kidding?! Today's the first day of classes. Now get your lazy ass up and out of bed." She rolls her eyes and opens our closet. I watch her as she throws a pair of ripped blue jeans and a black crop top on my bed. "Here wear this." I silently thank her and change.
Once im all changed I grab Cassys makeup bag and put on some mascara and eye liner. "What the hell is on your face?" Luke laughs and I look away in embarrassment. It was the first time I put on makeup and I thought I looked good. Thought. He grabs my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. "Hey.Your beautiful you hear me? You don't need all that makeup shit to make you look good. If im being honest you look way better without all that shit." My cheeks flush and his soft lips touch mine.
"All ready?" Cassy is standing at the doorway with her keys in hand. I nod my head, grab my bag, and she leads the way.
The campus is bigger than I remember. High Point has been my dream college for as long as I can remember. So you'd think Id be excited as I step out the car. But it just brings the memories of when I was whole. When Luke was still alive and in my arms. When the guy I fell madly in love with looked at me as if I was the reason the sun rose and set each day.
       It's been twenty minutes and I still can't find my first class. Im getting more annoyed by the second. I check the time on my phone and realize I only have ten minutes to get to class. I curse under my breathe and someone slams right into me as I fall to the ground. I grit my teeth."Watch where your going asshole!" Who does this guy thinks he is?! He thinks he can just run into anybody he wants!? Anger boils up inside me. But as I look up to see the very asshole who bumped into me, the anger disipates. Holy hell is this guy fucking hot.
        "Oh my god! I am so sorry! Are...are you oka...." Our eyes meet and he stops talking. His eyes are an ocean blue and his face is so defined and just so sexy. He has light brown hair and his muscles are shown through his tight white shirt. I can't bring myself to stop staring at his beautiful face.
        I finally look away and he stops gazing at me. I help myself up and he bends down and helps me retrieve my books. What the hell, when did they fall? "Umm, here you go. Im sorry again." He frowns and I thank him. I begin to walk away then realize I still don't know where the hell my class is.
        I turn back around. " Hey! Umm.." He cuts me off, "Zach." He smiles and I continue. "uh yea you happen to know where room 302 is?"
          He nods. "So you have Professor Toomey too? Never would have thought you to be a physchology major." I roll my eyes and he laughs. "Come on, Im actually heading there right now." I mutter "thanks" and follow him in his steps.
         He breaks the silence, "So I never got your name.." I interject. "It's Luciana, but you can call me Luz" A smile crosses his face and I find myself staring again. God he has a gorgeous smile. He notices me staring and chuckles. "What?"
        Shit. Ive been caught. "Nothing just wondering why you take physcology." I lied but its partly true.
         "Well Ive always wanted to be a fbi profiler. Guess you can say Criminal Minds is my favorite show." He shyly looks away but im beyond shocked.
          "No fucking way! Me too!" He looks at me and his eyes sparkle. I then begin to laugh and he joins.
          "Well here we are" He gestures to the door which reads 'Room 302.' I thank him and we take our seats. We end up sitting next to eachother and we talk about Criminal Minds for the remainder of the time until the professor walks in.

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