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               Zach's POV:

               I must have fallen asleep while we were sorting things out. Damn me. Luz is probably so pissed and planning ways to kill me in my sleep. Either that, or she's probably staring at me.

                I yawn and roll over to pull her closer to me, "Hey beautiful." I open my eyes and smile. But that smile quickly fades when I realize she's gone.

        She's probably with her mom or somewhere in the house. I get up to go look for her, but stop when I realize a note on the nightstand. I walk over to pick it up and begin to read it.
          I'm sorry Zach. I just can't do this anymore.I cant. Just go back to high point and let me be. You're better off without me. You deserve much better. I love you. Im sorry.-L

              A tear rolls down my cheek as I finish the last words. And anger and hurt both course through my veins. I love you. If she truly loves me, she wouldn't have left. You deserve much better. Is she for real? This is complete bull. A couple hours ago she told me she loved me. She probably didn't even mean it. I mean if she did, she wouldn't have left like it was nothing.

            This is why! This is exactly why I never had a girlfriend. Its the reason why I never let myself feel for anyone. And then she comes like a whirlwind, and changes everything. I love her, and I thought she loved me too. But I guess not if she so easily broke my heart not once, but twice.

            No. I'm wrong. She loves me. I know she does. I just don't know why she keeps pushing me away. What is she so afraid of?

            I huff and out of anger I punch the wall. Seconds later there's a knock on the door and Luz's mom is opening the door. She sees the hole in the wall and I can tell she's about ready to blow up in my face. I begin to protest and offer to pay for the damages but she waves me off when she sees the sorrow in my eyes. Her face softens and she asks, "Is everything alright Zach?"

              I shake my head and hand her the note that Luz had left me. I wipe the tears off my face as she reads the note. When she about finishes reading it, she sighs and mumbles, " I surely have raised a dumbass."

              I bite back a smile and she huffs," Well I sure hope you're not giving up on her." I look up at her with confused eyes and she continues on, "Zach, there's something she's not telling you. And it's not my place to tell you but all I'm going to say is, she's scared to love you. She had her heart broken not so long ago, and then you come along and show her the kind of happiness only love can bring you.....Go get her and win her back.''

              I grin and nod,"Thank you Mrs. Dominguez." She smiles and waves her hand towards the door. I chuckle and make my way towards my car. I proceed to getting into my car, but stop when I realize I have no idea where to even go. I turn back around and knock on the door.

              The door opens and there stands Mrs. Dominguez with her arms crossed and an amused look on her face. I weakly smile and ask," Um you don't happen to know where she is, do you?"

              She laughs and pushes me inside my car," Try Angels bar on Hemingway Street. I used to catch her there all the time after he died.'' And she rolls her eyes as if recalling the memory.

              I thank her once again and head to angels. Wait. After he died. I'm assuming she means Anthony, Luz's brother. But that means Luz would have been sixteen getting drunk at a bar. I find that highly unlikely. Unless she's talking about someone else. Perhaps Luke, her best friend. But she hasn't ever told me anything about him really. Has anyone else Luz loved died? Is that the thing she isn't telling me? No. She would have told me. Right?

            I shake my head and force the thoughts to the back of my head. I pull into Angel's, and that's when I see her. But rather than my heart fluttering at the sight of her, I find my heart breaking even more. I-I can't believe what I'm seeing.

         There at the side of the bar, Isaac has her backed up against the wall. And I clench my jaw as I watch him push his lips onto hers. That son of a bitch. Who does he think he is kissing my girl. He's kissing my Luz!

         I jump out of my car and I tightened my fist, ready to beat the shit out of the guy. I make my way towards the dick kissing my girl, and that's when she comes perfectly into my view. Her eyes widen at the sight of me and she pushes Isaac away.

        Isaac reaches for her and asks, "What's wrong?" Luz simply shakes her head and her lip begins to quiver.

       That's when I tap on his shoulder and say,"What's wrong is that you're kissing my girl." Isaac turns around to face me and when he realizes who I am, his eyes widen in horror. Like the coward I sought him to be, he begins to protest. I can't believe him. He just kissed my Luz and he doesn't even have the balls to admit it. That's it.

I connect my fist to his jaw and pummel him to the ground. I continue swinging and swinging at him. I hear Luz screaming my name. But I can't stop. Im pissed...and hurt.

When I realize the huge crowd around me. I throw one last punch at Isaac and get up. I take one good look at Luz and tears sting my eyes. She tries to reach for my hand but I move and walk away.

She's the one that can't do this. Well now I'm not sure if I can even do this now. She broke me again, right when she was starting to fix me.

Funny how the person you love most, is the person who stabs you in the back.

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