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       "GOLAZOOOO!" I jump up and down as they play the recap of Ronaldo scoring a hat trick. Zach chuckles and gets up turning off the tv. "Hey! Come on! There's like five minutes left!" Okay I may not play anymore, but my love for it is still there. And besides. Who doesn't love watching the Champions League?
        Zach shakes his head in amusement,"You know Madrid already won that game. So come on, we're going somewhere."
         I look down at my clothes. Im wearing soccer shorts and a Madrid jersey. He's wearing the same. "Um shouldn't we get changed first."
           He shakes his head," Nah." He takes my hand and drags me out the door and into the car. Where the hell are we going?
           I watch as he reaches to the back and grabs a box. He hands it to me and smiles, "Here. Open it."
            I look at him in confusion. What could it be? I shake the box before opening it. I tear the wrapping paper, and there in my sight are the most sexiest pair of cleats i've ever seen. My eyes widen and my jaw drops.
             He laughs," I saw you drooling over them the other day at the mall. So after class yesterday, I went and bought them." What? He shouldn't have? B-but Im never going to use them......
           I turn to him and sigh," You didnt have to.... not like im going to be using them anytime soon." And it's true. I havent played since Anthony died. And then I remember the deal Zach and I made. Of course he would.
           He smirks and pulls over to the park,"Oh babe you do not know me ... of course you are. And that day is today." He gets out the car and grabs a ball from the back. I stay in my seat as he opens my door and drags me to the field.
We sit down on the bench and he begins taking my sneakers off and putting on the new cleats. They fit perfectly and I smile as he takes my hands and pulls me up. He hands me the ball and runs to the goal."Take a few shots! Bet you cant get one in!" Oh no he didn't.
I pout," But Zach.... I havent played in years!" Im honestly scared that Im extremely rusty...and that if I kick the ball, all the memories will come back.
"Oh come on! Stop being a pussy!" He smirks, knowing that he just pissed me off. I stare daggers into his head and flip him off. He gives me an innocent look and grins. Jerk.
I position the ball on the floor and take a few steps back. I run towards the ball and kick. I watch as the ball curves into the back of the net. Yup still got it! Zach's jaw drops and I jump into his arms," GOALLLL!" I laugh as the adrenaline courses through my body. And for once I can say..Im genuinely happy. Happiness takes over and I smash my lips to his. He smiles into the kiss and brings his hands to my waist. I'm not one for making out at a park...but hell what do I care. I havent been this happy in months. So can you really blame me, for craving his touch. Like come on...he's the one who brought me here and made me play. I almost forgot how it felt to even kick a ball. God I missed this.
      The kiss intensifies and we're interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I turn to glare at the guy who just made me pull away from my boyfriend. But I stop when I notice who it is. My jaw drops and his eyes widen What the actual bloody hell? I take a glimpse at Zach and he's scowling at the light skinned guy in front of us.
       The guy eventually grins and speaks," Luz! Oh my god! I cant believe it's you!" He pulls me into a hug and I hesitate before I hug back.
I pull away,"I-Isaac!" Oh my god! It's really him! What the hell is he doing here?
Zach scowls and pulls me closer to him,"Who the hell are you?" I slap him on the chest. Is he really jealous of Isaac. Oh please! Yea sure Isaac is pretty hot but we're just old friends. I've known him for as long as I can remember and Isaac would never try anything on me. He knows better.
"I was on Luz's soccer team. Nice to meet you!"Isaac puts out his hand to shake Zach's and Zach refuses. Isaac frowns and points to his friends," Well uh, would ya'll like to play a game with us?"
             Zach opens his mouth to speak but I cover it with my hands," We'd love to" I offer an apologetic smile and turn to scowl at Zach. He grunts and wraps his arms around me. I cannot believe he's being jealous right now. But in a way, its a huge turn on. Ew no. I should be pissed.
Isaac calls his friends over and introduces us to them. We make up the teams and Isaac, Zach and I are on one team. Cody, Lan, and Jack are on the other. I start the ball and pass it to Isaac. I run up the sideline and Isaac long passes it to me. I meg Lan, do a rainbow over Cody, cross up Jack and I take the shot. Goal! That was all too easy. Zach runs up to me and plants a soft kiss to my lips. Isaac wraps an arm around my shoulders," I missed those beautiful goals of yours man!" I shake my head in amusement and we continue to play.
I havent realized how much I truly missed the game until it was time to head back home. The park rangers came and kicked us off the field. Those bastards! I was having the time of my life.
Anyways, we won 7-1. I scored 5 of those goals. Amazing! Yea I know. Zach and Isaac each scored one. Theyre lame!
I take a drink of my water and feel arms wrap around my waist,"Have fun today?" I turn around to stare at the blue eyed boy, who has rejuvenated my life once again. I nod and press my lips to his. The kiss was soft and very much needed.
        I smile," Thank you." He looks at me, confused. And before he can speak, I interupt him, only because I know what he's going to ask. What can I say, I know my boyfriend. "For being the only person who has even made an effort to try to get me to play soccer again. Everyone else pitied me and allowed my decision. But you didn't. You saw that in reality, I need this . I need to play. So thank you."
         In all honesty, today might have been the bestest day I've had in a while. Zach gave me no choice but to play, and Im not going to lie, I wish someone had the guts to do that years before. But no one did. Everyone saw me as this fragile girl who has lost everything. I-I just want for once for someone to see me for who I am. Not for what I've been through. And Zach was the only person to see that.
         His eyes shine and he smiles," Anything for you beautiful." And I press my lips to his once more. I the feel a hand grasp my butt and I pull away, smacking Zach on the shoulder. He reaches to grasp me in a hug, but I run and catch up to the guys. Zach in step.
         The guys begin arguing about the Champions League. When theres really no point, because we all know Real Madrid is going to take it. I zone out of their conversation.I look up at the stars, knowing that one of them is my brother, and whisper,"I miss you big bro." I think Zach hears me because he pulls me closer to him and kisses me at the top of my head. Thank the lords for this boy.

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