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"Babe! Get up!" A pair of hands touch my cheek and I get up punching the source in the stomach. "Ow! What the hell Luz!
I open my eyes to see Zach clenching his stomach with his hands. I laugh and get up to hug him.
He places a kiss on my forehead."Aren't you going to apologize?"
I growl "For what? Your the one that woke me up asshole." He honestly deserved it. I hate being woken up. A girl needs her beauty sleep. Everyone should know better than to wake me up. Like come on, everyone knows I love my sleep more than anything. I once beat the crap out of my little brother for turning on my lights, taking my blanket and singing 'wake up, wake up, wake up up up up.' Lets just say he ended up having to go to the hospital with a broken arm.
He chuckles," Well yea, we've got to get to class babe." Fuck. Class. I totally forgot. Don't get me wrong I love going to school and all, but I need my sleep.
I rest my head on his chest, leaning into him,"Ughhhhh. Can't we just lay in bed and cuddle all day?"
He pulls away, walking towards my closet, "Tempting. But sadly no." I watch as he pulls out a pair of jeans and my old soccer hoodie. The back of it reads 'Dominguez' with the number seven.Its been my soccer number ever since I started playing when I was eight. He throws them at me and I catch them with one hand."Here you can wear these."
"Thanks." I take off the clothes from yesterday, which I fell asleep in, and I look up at Zach. His eyes are widened and his jaw is dropping. I laugh, "Stop staring. It's creepy." Im only joking but he rolls his eyes.
He mumbles," Well sorry for admiring your beauty." I smile and I slip on the jeans and pull my hoodie over my head. I grab my jordans and slip them on. Zach is grabbing my bag and walking out the door,while I put my hair in a messy bun.
I begin walking out the door when I get the feeling that Im forgetting something. I look all around the room and gaze at Cassy's bed. She's nowhere to be seen? Did she even come home last night? Oh my fuck! She's been kidnapped! Cassy always comes home. She's not like me. She doesn't go around sleeping at others places. Cassy finds it rather uncomfortable sleeping in a bed that isnt hers. I quickly reach for my phone and dial her number. No answer. I dial again. No fucking answer. By this time I've dialed about ten times and she still hasnt answered. I begin to panic and do what I do best: Think of the worst case scenarios.
Zach notices my mini panic attack and wraps his arms around my waist." Babe, what's wrong?"
"Cassy! She didnt come home last night and she isnt answering her phone! Zach this isnt like her... What if she's been kidnapped... or raped... or she's at the hospital... or worse... what if shes dead! Oh my god!" I can't breathe. I cant lose another person I care too fucking much about. I begin hyperventilating and Zach presses his lips to mine. I melt into him and I feel as if I can breathe again. Just for that moment I forget about everything. About Cassy. About Luke. About Anthony. About everything.
He pulls away and forces me to look into his eyes,"Luz, Cassy is fine. Everything will be fine."And I believe him. I begin to calm down as Zach engulfs me in a hug and runs his hand through my hair. And that's when I get a text.
     I pull away from Zach and open my phone to see a text from Gabby, Cassy's older sister.
Gabby>>>Luz. Hospital now!
       I gasp and blink away the tears beginning to swell in my eyes. Why would she be in the hospital? What the fuck happened to my best friend? Oh no. Last time I was at a hospital, I lost the love of my life.
       Zach takes in my scared face, "What happened? Why do you look like you just got shit in the face?" I show him the text and he's dragging me out of the dorm." Come on, I'll take you."
         On the way to the hospital, Zach takes out his phone and I watch as he dials a number. "Dave, do me another favor will you?.....But listen our friend is currently at the hospital and we're on our way there, so Luz and I wont be making it to class again. Could you clear that up with all our professors?" I hear screaming at the other end of the line and Zach sighs."You owe me!..... Thank you." And he hangs up.
         I stare at him in confusion," What was all that about?"
         He shakes his head," Have I mentioned that my older brother is the dean?" What? His brother is the god damn dean?! That must be how he called in a sick day for us yesterday.
        "Uh no...But what did you mean by he owes you?" He had yelled at his brother saying that he owes him. But what exactly did he mean by that?
          I watch as Zach's expression turns into a frown. "Well you already know about my dad and how he abused me right?" I nod. Of course I remember. That was the night we kissed, I ran away, he somehow found me, and brought me to his apartment. I was scared that night, but not as scared as I am right now. Zach sighs and continues," Well Dave, my brother, he was a drunk as well and he would yell at my father for beating me. But he never stopped my father. One day I remember asking him to help me, and he left, and never came back. He allowed me to live under that hell with my father.It was only after I left, that I reached out to him to help me get into High point. And he did after a bit of convincing. He might help me now but I will never forgive him Luz. He's tried to get back into my life and apologize. But he doesnt understand what our father put me through. He left and let me suffer, without ever looking back."
       I see the pain in his eyes, and I wish I could take it all away. All I do his squeeze his hand and say," You're going to have to forgive him one day Zach. It doesnt have to be today or tomorrow, but you have to eventually. He's the only family you have left. I only wish that I had my older brother alive still."
       He whips his head and looks at me. His eyes widen," W-what?"
       "My older brother, Anthony, he died two years ago. He was headed to one of my soccer games and he got into a really bad car accident. I remember that day clearly. It was pouring and my team was up 8-1. It was the best, and last game I've ever played. After the game, I recieved a call that Anthony was at the hospital in critical condition. By the time I got there, he was already declared brain dead. I was the one who pulled the plug. You know, Anthony was the one that got me into soccer. In a way, I lost two people that day. My brother and my bestfriend." Ive never really told anyone about Anthony. The only people who know, are Cassy and my friends back home. But somehow I find myself telling Zach. It hurts talking about him but somehow with Zach, it helps. I keep finding myself telling Zach things that I've never really said out loud. Why?
"And that's why you dont play anymore? Because it reminds you of him?" I nod and frown. "Luz..." He looks at me and weakly smiles," How about we make a deal? If I promise to try to forgive my brother, will you promise to try to play again?" What? I just stare at him, confused. " I know you love the game, and if playing makes you happy, then you should play Luz."
"I-I don't know Zach. I havent touched a ball in two years. Who knows if im any good anymore?" And it's true I havent touched a ball in a long long time.
He smirks,"Well you wont know, till you try." I really shouldn't agree to this. But he needs to regain his relationship with his brother. And I'm not gunna lie... I do miss it and I was the happiest on the field.
         I grin, shaking my head,"Fine...We have a deal." He flashes me a beautiful smile,and we stay silent for the rest of the ride, with his hand in mine.
Zach pulls in to the Hospital and I nearly jump out the moving car. I run to the front desk and frantically say," Cassandra Vera Cruz." I catch my breathe as Zach comes up behind me, intertwining his hand in mine.
The receptionist types in Cassy's name and looks up at me,"Floor 7, Room 706." I thank her and drag Zach to the elevator.
What if I go into that room, and shes dead, or close to it? I...I cant do this. Im scared. Beyond scared. I fucking hate hospitals. Tears begin dripping down my cheek. What the fuck. I didnt even realize I was crying.
Zach wipes the tears with his thumb and softly kisses me. He looks up at me and forces a smile," Hey, dont cry. She'll be okay. But please don't cry. I hate seeing you like this god damnit." I sniffle and nod my head, burrying my face in his chest.
      The elevator opens and this time Zach leads the way to Cassy's room. Im scared of what Im going to see. Im shaking and Zach realizes, when he takes my hand and kisses it.Room 301...303....305....307. Room 307. Fuck. I don't want to go in. Suddenly my feet become paralyzed, and I cant move. I stand there, staring at the room number. My best friend is in there. She could be dead...she could be I dont know. I dont want to find out.
       "Luz... Baby... Come on you have to go in. She's your bestfriend, she needs you." I nod and allow him to take me into the room.
       My eyes widen, when I see my bestfriend. She looks horrible as if she's been beat. Her face is swollen up and she's in an arm and leg cast. When I look into her eyes, I know what happened. That fucking bastard dared to put his hands on my bestfriend. Yea no, he's one dead mother trucker.
         I clench my fist," Cassy where the fuck is the asshole..." She tries to cut me off but I ignore her." No! Le voy a mandar directo a la chingada! Im going to kill that son of a bitch Cas! I am going to kill him! You know I fucking will!" I storm out the room, ready to find and beat the shit out of this son of a bitch.
       I hear Cas screaming after me and Im turned around by Zach," Luz... stop!"
       Anger flares in my eyes and my entire body," No Zach! Just no! Let me beat the crap out of this guy!" I pull away from his grip and begin walking out the hospital.
      I hear Zach getting closer and closer," Luz! Wait! Stop!" I turn around and whip my head to face him. Anger steaming out of my ears. He flinches, but takes my hand in his. "Luz.. Just think about this and calm down. You're honestly really scaring me and Cassy. You're only worrying her even more. She needs you up there with her, and you know it. Beating the crap out of John will only get you arrested. And I dont think thats something Cassy wants. Hell I don't want it either. She needs you... I need you." Tears glisten in my eyes and he wraps me in his arms.
      Fuck! Why does he have to be right? I wasn't thinking, I was only acting upon my anger. My anger which I can never seem to fucking control. I was just so scared and seeing her like that, it just scared me even more. That son of a bitch hurt my bestfriend. He hurt the one person who has never left my side. My partner in crime. My sister....
       I bury my face in his chest," Im scared." Tears begin streaming down my face and Zach tightens his grip on me, moving his hands up and down my back.
       Eventually I pull away, and he wipes my tears with his thumbs and he leans in and softly kisses my lips. That kiss alone was enough to take all my worries away. All my anger and fear.
      He takes my hand and leads me back to Cassy's room. What would I do without him right now? Id probably be in prison for murder because there's no way in hell I would let John lay a hand on my bestfriend ever again. Zach actually calmed me. It takes a lot to calm me and I mean a lot. I didn't realize it till now, but I need him.

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