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I open my eyes and reach to kiss Zach. But he isn't there. I get up and look around, but he's nowhere to be seen. Fudge im hungry. I go into the kitchen to get something to eat, and see a note on the fridge.
Figured you'd be hungry when you wake up. So I went out to get something to eat. I should be back by 3. If im not....then im dead. Lol joking!
                        -Zach xoxo
      I stare at the note in awe. He knows me all too well. What did I ever do to deserve him? Honestly. He's so perfect, in every way possible. Ugh. He has such an effect on me. I hate it.
I finally decide to shower. Before getting into the shower, I power on my phone to put music on. I automatically begin singing to the lyrics,"One way or anotha ima love you. Slidin under covers, undercover. They dont wanna see it happen but we say fuck it. They dont wanna see it happen but we say fuck it." I wash up and dance as I sing to the many songs that play.
After twenty minutes, I get out and wrap myself in a nearby towel. I didnt bring extra clothes and I really dont want to go back into my clothes from today. So I go into Zach's room and grab one of his shirts. I slip it on and it fits me big. As expected. It reaches down to the middle of my thighs, and I make my way back to the couch.
To my surprise, Zach is already there, bearing food. I smile," About time you get here...Im starving." He whips his head to look at me and when he does, his eyes widen. I watch as his eyes trail down to my legs, and back to my face. I blush," Uh.. Zach." No answer. "Zach!"
           He finally snaps out of it and smirks,"It should be a crime to be that beautiful." My heart flutters and I walk over to him. I go to press my lips on his, and his breathe hitches. At the last moment I reach down to his hands and grab the bag of food and sit on the couch. He pouts,"Aw..what's a guy gotta do to get a kiss from his girlfriend." He looks so adorable. Ugh.
        I laugh and roll my eyes, and reach over to kiss him. His mood automatically brightens and he beautifully smiles. I can't get enough of this guy. If only Cassy could find a guy that treats her the way Zach does me. I frown at the thought and Zach realizes my frown. He stares at me as if analyzing me.
        "Babe, whats wrong?" He has a concerned look on his face. And let me tell you. Boy does he look hot when he looks at me like that.
"Nothing." I shake my head but he just glares at me, not believing me. I huff," It's just ...I really hope Cas doesn't go back to him ."
He shakes his head," Babe there's nothing you can do about it, she loves him. And in some twisted way he loves her too, he just doesn't know how to show it. And dont tell me it's not true. It was written all over his face when he took in her condition, before you beat the shit out of him. Honestly that was both scary and extremely hot."
I roll my eyes and let out a shaky breath. "Zach, he blamed his behavior on his sisters death. That's no excuse though. And it pissed me off so much because I lost Anthony, yet you don't see me acting like that." He opens his mouth to say something but stops..thinking as if what he's going to say might piss me off.
"Luz... I say this in all honesty. But you may not act the same way as John...but you used to go home with a different guy every night. People just have different ways of dealing with pain." My eyes widen in realization...he's right. He's always fudging right.
I close my eyes and a tear rolls down my cheek."Your right....but it just pissed me off how he thinks he's the only one who lost someone. Like my fucking brother died and..and...."
I begin to rant but Zach cuts me off," And Luke." My heart stops at the mention of his name.
"W-what!?" Luke. does he know about him? Flippin fudge! I mentioned him at the hospital when I was beating the crap out of John. Fuck! John fucks up everything!
" you mentioned losing him at the hospital. Uh...w-who is he?" What do I say! I-I dont want to tell him that story yet. Im.. Im not ready to bear the details yet! I havent talked to it about anyone. Only Cas and John know about it. And of course everyone from back home.
I stare at the ground and hesitate before I finally speak up,"He..he was my bestfriend." I choke back the sobs trying to escape," and h-he d-died five months ago." And just like that tears start streaming down my face.
       Zach is quick to wrap his arms around me and pull me closer to him."Im so so sorry for asking. I didnt know." Well of course you didnt. No one really does.  I let out a breathe and chuckle..remembering that Im starving.
       I smile," What did you get me? Last time I remember, Im still hungry." He laughs and hands me curly fries and barbecue wings. Yummy!
As we eat, Zach puts on Criminal Minds. I drool as Derek Morgan comes out of the shower in nothing but a towel around his waist. And boy is he smoking hot! I hear Zach scoff and say," Oh please my body is way better than his."
I glare at him," Pshh you fucking wish! Your just jelly he's way hotter than you." He rolls his eyes and stands up right in front of me." What the fuck are you doing? I cant see!"
       He gets closer to me and smirks," He may be hotter, but he cant make you feel the way that I do." What? My breath hitches as he inches closet to me and presses his lips to my neck. He begins sucking and I let out a moan. He slowly kisses up my body and stops at my lips. Oh god. Please kiss me. He leans in closer and at the last moment he swerves and begins tickling me. Oh that sick bastard!
         "Zachhhhh!." I stiffle my laughter but fail miserably. I sound like a dying horse," St-stoppp! Please! Zach!" In any moment im going to pee. Holy moly my stomach hurts! I hate him with the intensity of a thousand suns. Okay okay I dont hate him but seriously right now I do.
       He widely grins," No can do love... Not until you admit Im hotter than Morgan." This sick sick egotistical monster! Okay okay if I dont admit to it, I will legit pee my pants.
"F-finee! Stop! Your hotter than Morgan!" He stops and mischievously smiles. I roll my eyes and smirk," Just not as hot as me."
He sighs."Can't argue with that." Aha I win you asshole!

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