Part 1

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"Just one more murder Natalia, I promise this one is the last, and then you are free. " They told me.

Did I believe them? No! They would themselves kill me if I didn't succeed, or I would die trying, and they would still kill me if I return victorious.

But I had no choice, it was better to hope they would let me live if I succeed then dying because of refusal. I was a mere puppet, they wanted me to do whatever they want, I had no opinion of my self. I had no rights to live on my own demands, to love, to have a family. They made me sterile to prevent any happiness that might get in my way of being a ruthless, heartless assassin.

But, I was still human. I still feel the pain, I want to feel all the emotions, I want what other people have and can have.

Shaking my head to get rid of the depressing thoughts, I walked towards the Shield base. My target was here, he trained and worked here.

My target? He isn't an easy one. He is the famous, back from dead, the righteous, Captain America. The one who fought the Nazis and Hydra. The one who was frozen for 70 years.

He wasn't going to be easy, he was known to be a shy, simple guy. To seduce and trap him in the widow's web was going to be difficult, but I was prepared. I would make sure he is trapped and then receives the widow's bite to death.

Sighing, I walked towards the entrance, with my bag pack on my back.

"Romanoff" I said showing the card the guard outside.

"The new trainee? Straight to the stairs and then left, take the corridor, the last room" he told me.

"Thank you" I said.

After a series of checks, I was allowed to go in.

Following his direction, I walked till the end of the long corridor, and opened the door.

"Careful" A voice yell, I couldn't understand what was happening, until someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me away, just then the boxing bag hit the door, and I was in the arms of a strong man, my chest hit his, as we collided, his arm supported my waist.

I looked up, and for a moment, my heart skipped several beats. The blue eyes made me wanna drown in them. I had never seen such innocence in my life ever before.

"Are you alright? " He asked, letting go of my waist.

"Uhm? Yeah.. yeah" I replied, getting back on my feet, balancing myself.

He was the one, he was the captain.

He stood in front of me, his shirt tight around his abs, his chest broad, his arms heavy.

"You are the new trainee? "he asked.

"Yes, I... I'm Natasha.. Natasha Romanoff" I said.

"Steve Rogers" He said, handing his hand out, which I took and shook.

"Welcome to S. H. I. E. L. D" he said with a wide grin.

"Thanks Captain" I said.

"Come I'll show you around" he said, but then we were interrupted.

"Captain Rogers, Fury wants to see you, I'll show her around" a tall lady said.

"Very well Agent Hill" he said, "make yourself comfortable " he told me and with a smile, left.

Its going to be hard for sure, but I had to do something about it.


The next week went by, we didn't interact much, he just came and went, it was only Agent Hill and Agent Barton training us.

"You are so good Romanoff" he said, when I did a back flip.

"Thank you Agent Barton" I replied.

I learned that the best one would be rewarded with a mission alongside Cap. So I tried to prove myself, carefully, since I was already the best among the lot, even better then the trainers, but, I had to keep that hidden.

Bored, and annoyed, I stayed back at the training centre, when all left, and put on my boxers. I needed something to detox my body of the acting I did all day.
I punched the bag badly, bruising my knuckles, and sweating myself head to toe.

I kept going until I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I turned in horror, and was surprised and embarrassed.

I stood there, all soaked in sweat, my nipples erect, my sports bra all wet.
I panted bad.

He walked towards me, and taking a towel off the grill, he wrapped it around my shoulders, and covered my chest.

"You are too good" he said.

"Thanks" I said, still panting. He took some water in a glass and gave it to me, I sat down and drank it, my throat was badly dry, he sat beside me.

"So, why Shield? " he asked me.

"I.. I like fighting, since that's what I have done since I was born" I replied.

"I can relate, my life has been a battle for so long, I can't stop fighting it" he replied.

I got curious, "What's your story Cap? Everyone knows you as the brave solider, but there is a story behind all of that, right? "

He smiled, faintly, "I was an only child, weak and fragile, fighting more diseases then there are bones in my body, my father was abusive, to both me and my mother, soon she died, and then he did too, I was alone, trying to fight for myself, and for my country, until I got injected with the serum, the rest, I believe you know "

Gosh, his story was somewhat similar to mine, only mine was worse.
He looked at me, when I was lost in thoughts, "What's yours? "

I looked down, "Orphaned at an age I didn't even know how to write my name, lived on the streets, abused by several foster parents, and street rats, then taken up by a school and graduated there, living again through hell" I modified my story, replacing the red room with a school, and foster parents with the hideous KGB.
He looked at me in a way, I felt uncomfortable, it wasn't pity, it was something different. Whatever it was, was not good for me.

"So, no girlfriends? " I asked trying to change the topic.

"It's hard to find some one with similar life experience " he said.

My heart skipped another beat, as I stare into his blue eyes.

Go for it Natalia, he is hitting on you. My brain yell at me.

I smiled, "I guess you kind of found some one then" I looked up at him teasingly.

"Maybe" he said, his cheeks flushed.

"Anyways, be ready tomorrow, you'll have your practice session with me" he said getting up, "good night"

"Goodnight" I replied.

He walked away, and my chest constricted, for the first time, I felt bad about having to murder some one.


So guys, how was the first chapter, the story here has to rush, because I want to focus on the later parts. How do you think she would get pregnant? 😜I'm sure it would be a big surprise. Do give your reviews 😊

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