Part 11

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We shifted to the avengers tower, I couldn't trust myself alone with her, and I can never think of breaking her heart. I have done enough.

She now stayed with Maria, so she isn't scared at night. Maria took good care of her, and so did all the others.

Months had passed, and now we awaited the final day, when she would finally deliver.

I was at the grocery store, when Tony called me.

"She is having labor pains" Tony said, "We are rushing her to the hospital, you come there directly ".

"Yes, I am" I said, dropping everything, I rushed towards me bike and hurried towards the hospital, but was stuck in a stupid traffic jam.

"Let it be" I left my bike, and ran towards the hospital, it wasn't much of an effort for me.

"Careful Cap" someone yell at me.

"Why the hurry? " someone asked.

"Hold it Cap" A nurse said as I rushed into the hospital.

"Where is she? " I asked, as I saw Tony.

"In the labour room, duh! " Tony said.

"I want to go in" I said, panting.

"No, thank you, we don't wanna scare the baby and mama, stay here" he said.

"But she needs me Tony, she must be so scared" I said.

"Fine, go" Tony rolled his eyes.

I nodded and hurried in.

"Captain? " the nurse at the door asked.

"That's my... " I didn't know what to say, she wasn't my girlfriend, nor wife, " That's my baby" I said.

"Oh, yeah, come in" she said, and guided me in.

Natasha was on the labour bed, all sweaty, and messed up, in a lot of pain. I rushed by her side, and held her hand, supporting her shoulders.

"Cap? " she looked at me innocently.

"Is it too painful? " I asked, she nodded, tears in her eyes.

"Ahh! " she screamed suddenly.

"Good, I can see the head now, come on, push hard when you feel pain again" The doctor said.

"Just a little more, then it will be over" I said.

"Cap, its too painful, aaaahhh" she screamed again.

"Push, push" the doctor yell. I felt her muscles tensing, and she held my hand so tightly, pushing with all force.

And then she relaxed, closing her eyes, and the doctor smiled, in a few seconds, we heard the baby's cry.

"Congratulations, you both are blessed with a baby boy" the doctor said.

Natasha opened her eyes and looked at me.

"You did it" I said smiling at her, she smiled back, tears falling on her cheeks, I kissed her forehead.

"Here you go" The nurse brought our little bundle of joy, after cleaning him.

She handed him over to Nat, who held him carefully. I looked at him. He was so tiny, with strawberry blonde hair, his hands were in fists, and he was moving with his mouth open. His eyes, blue, like mine.

"Cap, he is.. he is so perfect" she said, looking at him amazed.

"Feed him" the nurse said, Natasha looked at her confused, "I'll help you" she said.

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