Chapter 7

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-one and 1/2 weeks later-

There comes a time where a life can go one of two ways. You can go up, or you can go down.

Luke went down.

At his second therapist appointment, he snapped. Screaming, breaking things, crying. He ran out of the building, and drove back to the house. No one else was home. They were all recording and writing. 

In the haze of tears, and an unclear mind, Luke went and sat on the floor of the bathroom. He grabbed someone's razor, he didn't care who's it was, and he broke it. With a shaky hand, Luke took one of the metal objects, and he cut. 

He cut, and cut, and cut. Both of his arms, up and down, across, everywhere. In one final moment before eveything went black, he sat up and took his pointer finger and wrote on the wall, in his own blood,

i love you michael


At the hospital, things were looking grim. None of the boys had slept in three days. Calum couldn't really stop crying. Ashton was looking stressed, he took the job of telling Luke's family, who couldn't even make it down there because they were in a different country on vaction. Michael was having flashbacks of what happened. What he saw. It was haunting him. 

Michael didn't sleep. Michael didn't eat. Michael didn't cry, he was out of tears. Michael didn't even talk, other than three nights ago. 


"Stop pushing me Ashton! I want food more than you!" Michael laughed, as he and Ashton sqeezed through the door. They got into the house and it was quiet. There were only a few lights on, everything looked untouched. 

Michael looked at his phone. It was 6:37, Luke should have been back from his appointment a long time ago. 

"Luke? Are you in here?" Michael called while walking upstairs. 

He saw a light on in the bathroom, but the shower wasn't running. He walked over slowly, scared at what he might say when he opened the door. Carefully, he pushed the door open, and screamed.

"LUKE! NO!" He screamed and fell to his knees, rapidly trying to gather the teen into his arms. Michael looked at Luke's wrists, he was horrified. Luke wasn't breathing. Michael pressed his lips to Luke's and tried to revive him, it didn't work.

"ASHTON! CALUM! HELP PLEASE!" Michael screamed as he hugged Luke close to him. Rocking him back in fourth. 

Michael looked up at the wall, and screamed again. Written on the wall was 'i love you michael' in Luke's blood. 

~flashback over~

Currently, Luke was in a coma. The doctors were unsure if he was going to live or not, he lost a lot of blood. 

"Guys," Ashton croaked out, "We need to tell Abby."

"She's five Ashton, she wouldn't understand." Calum said sadly.

"Can't we at least call Judy?" Michael asked.

"I'll do it. I need a break from this waiting room anyway." Ashton said and walked away. 


"Mikey!" Michael heard a small voice shout, it was Abby. Judy was slowly following behind her, holding a crying Katherine close to her.

Abby ran up to Michael and jumped into his lap, giving him a hug. Michael wrapped his arms around the small girl and let a few tears drip onto her green jacket. 

"Hi Abby." 

"Hi Michael. Are you okay? Is Lukey gonna be okay?" She asked innocently. 

"I don't know if he's gonna be okay or not. We have to wait for the doctor."

"Well, when Kayla was in the hospital we waited for a long time and then the doctor told mommy something and she started crying. Mommy told me that Kayla went up to heaven and is gonna protect me forever now. Cuz she's right here forever," She said pointing to her heart, "And if Lukey goes up to heaven with Kayla, I know he's gonna be right there forever." She finished, pointing to Michael's heart.

Just at that moment, the doctor walked out and started to say something,

"I have some news..."


HAHA. Yes, I'm REALLY leaving it off there. Love you. <333

Can you guys get this chapter to 8 votes and 6 comments for the next one? Thank youuu <3

Don't forget to follow my Wattpad too! And give me feedback! Love you guys! Byeeeeee ! 

Stay strong xx


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