Chapter 10

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Luke sat with his mum and dad. Liz had called and made him come down for an emergency. 

"Luke, we have to tell you something." Liz said nervously.

Luke waited, and he spoke, "Go on."

"You have a sister." Andrew said bluntly. 

"Look, I know that I've always joked that Ben's a girl but this is going a little too far." Luke said, smiling. 

"No Luke," Liz said, "We're serious. You have a twin sister. We gave her up to our best friends when you were born. We were too poor and could barely feed us. It had to happen. Please please please don't be mad Luke." She pleaded.

Luke was shocked, with everthing going on in his life, he could have used a sister to help him up if he fell down. He could have played the role of the protective brother her whole life and be the one to jokingly threaten her prom date. He could have called her beautiful and make sure that she was always confident in herself. And yet, Luke wasn't mad.

"I'm not mad. I promise I'm not mad," Luke said, "I want to meet her."

"Actually, the only reason we're telling you is because apperently you guys found each other on accident. Your sister is Halia Quinn." Andrew said. 

"What?" Luke said, surprised, "No way! That is so awesome!" 

"I know, I know." Liz said. 

"And Luke, one more thing. About your twit cam last night. I fully support you on everything. And, I just want to make sure that those boys are taking care of you good enough and watching you. I don't want you to die Lukey." Liz said, taking Luke in her arms and crying. 

"I'm sorry mum. I'm so sorry. I promise I'm going to stop." Luke said, embracing his mother.

"I love you Luke." 

"I love you too mum."


Halia sat on the plane in between her parents. There was about three hours left on the flight to australia. She was listening to All Time Low, it being her second favorite band. She slept most of the plane ride, but now she was awake, and anxious. She was going to meet her brother, and his bandmates. It was all surreal to her, just two days ago she was a depressed girl working at a coffee shop, now she's on a plane to Australia.

She hoped that she would get along with the 5 Seconds of Summer boys. She was quite shy and it took a while to warm up to people. That's what social anxiety does. 

"We are now landing, please fasten your seatbelts and have a nice trip." 

Halia's stomach knotted. The full realization hit her like a train. 

She had a brother. Her brother was in a band. Her brother was in her favorite band. Her brother was one of her lifesavers. 

She thought her brother was highly attractive. 

"Mom." She whispered, tapping on her moms arm repeatedly. 

"Yes dear?"

"I think my own twin brother is highly attractive."

Her mother just laughed at her, "It's okay honey, he's gay anyway." Halia laughed with her mother.


Outside of the airport, Halia waited patiently with ear buds in. The boys were ten minutes late and counting. As soon as she was about to text Luke and ask them where they were, there was a car filled with loud noises pulling up next to them. 

The car was turned off and four teenage boys came barrelling out of it. Halia stood still, she promised herself that she wouldn't freak out, and she's really resisting the urge to cry. Her idols were right in front of her. The people who she looked up to the most, the people who saved her life. One of them was her brother! It was all too much to handle. 

She was hyperventilating. No one noticed because the 5SOS boys were still trying to gather themselves, and Halia's parents were laughing at something they were talking about. 

Halia dropped to the ground, rummaging through her purse for her inhaler. 

"Oh my god are you okay?" Luke said loudly and dropped to the ground in front of her.

"I... Need.. My... Inhaler," She breathed out and handed her purse to Luke. 

He quickly found it and gave it to her. She breathed it in and sat on the ground, collecting herself. She breathed in a few times, looking up at all of the worried faces. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I Just started freaking out for a second there," She said, looking down embarrassed. 

"Hey, It's fine. I'm pretty sure I did the same thing when I met Alex Gaskarth," Michael smiled, "I'm Michael," He said and gave Halia a hug. 

"Michael, you were worse. I'm Calum," Calum said and gave Halia a hug. 

"I'm Ashton, and I'll show you the video of them freaking out later," Ashton laughed, and grabbed her for a hug. She fought the urge to scream, out of happiness. 

Luke stood in front of her, not that much taller than her, which was surprising, although she was quite a tall girl. 

"I'm Luke, aka your twin brother," Luke smiled, and gave her a giant hug.

"I'm so glad you messaged me back," Halia whispered in his ear.

"I'm so glad I found you," Luke whispered back,"



So, because I wrote the big plot twist of the twin sister, she is gonna be a big part in this story, like the main people I will be focusing on are her, and the boys, and sometimes Abby. I really hope you guys still like this story, because I really think It's coming along well. 

Question of the update: What made you start reading this story/ how did you come across it? 

15 votes and 8 comments for the next chapter? I promise if you reach those goals that the next chapter will be up faster. I already have half of it written. 

Don't forget to follow my Wattpad too! And give me feedback! Love you guys! Byeeeeee ! 

Stay strong xx



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