Chapter 11

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Back at the Hemmings residents, things were weird for Halia. Her parents were chatting with her biological parents, the boys were talking to each other, and she was pretty much alone, on a very comfortable sofa. 

"I'm hungry," Ashton blurted out loudly.

"Yeah, me too," Luke said. 

"I could eat," Halia said. 

Pretty much everyone agreed that they could use some food.

"Hey Halia, why don't you come with me to maccas?" Ashton suggested. 

Halia looked around, and everyone was nodding. Her stomach fluttered, "O-Okay," Halia agreed. 

Halia got up to follow Ashton to his car, she was nervous. Being alone with the person she was basically in love with. They got into the car, it was awkward at the least. 

It was silent, until Ashton started speaking, "Are you exited to do some shows?" he asked.

"Actually, I'm really nervous." Halia admitted. 

"Why?" Ashton asked. 

"Well, I've never preformed in front of a huge crowd. The max I've sang in front of are my parents and a few other relatives," Halia confessed. 

"Oh. Well there's nothing really to worry about, when you first go on stage, it's nerve racking, but when you start doing your thing, you just get lost in the music and you don't really pay attention to anything else," Ashton said, and they pulled up at the maccas drive thru. 

He ordered the greasy food and payed for it. He started driving and turned on the radio. Terrible Things by Mayday Parade was playing. 

Halia started to sing along, thinking about what would happen if Ashton fell in love with her. Would it end in tragedy? Would they get a happy ending?

"You're voice is beautiful," Ashton said, interrupting Halia's thoughts. 

Halia blushed, "Thanks,"

"Sorry," he said bashfully, "Sometimes my thoughts escape my head and come out of my mouth,"

Halia laughed, "Don't worry. That happens to me too," 

They both laughed and continued making small talk and singing along to random songs on the radio. 


-the next day-

"Halia get up we have to record today," 

Halia groaned and threw a pillow at whoever was talking. It was Luke. 

"I'm too tired, go away," Halia said. 

She heard Luke sigh, and then Luke picked her up.

"Luke put me down!" she yelled.

"Nope," he said and set her down in the bathroom, "Get ready, we're leaving to go to the studio in fifteen minutes,"

Halia groaned yet again, and then she realized who was just talking to her. Lucas Hemmings was talking to her. Lucas Hemmings was her twin brother. 

She squealed and ran to the guest room to grab clothes. She put on a Blink-182 tshirt and some black denim shorts, and her favorite necklace. She put on make up, it made her look less tired, and headed to the van where everyone was waiting. 


 As Luke was recording vocals, Michael was watching him. Words can't describe how in love Michael was with Luke. Everytime Luke would hug or kiss him or hold his hand, he would feel butterflies in his stomach and his cheeks would get red and hot. 

Luke walked out of the recording booth and was talking to Ashton, whom was recording next. 

"Aye Luke!" Michael called, "Come 'ere!"

Luke walked over with a smile on his face and plopped down on the couch next to him. Michael put his arms around Luke and pulled him close.

"You know I love you Luke, right?" Michael asked.

"I love you too Mikey," Luke said, kissing Michael on the cheek.

"So how do you like having a twin sister so far?" Michael asked.

"I wouldn't know," Luke said, pointing to the other couch, where Halia was sleeping, "Jet lags got her,"

They laughed, "That's how we're gonna feel in a couple of weeks when we go to the states," Michael said.

"Not looking forward to that," Luke said, and he paused, "You know the song Dissconnected? The one I wrote with John, Alex, and Calum?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Michael asked.

"I told them that I wanted to write it about someone I loved, little did they know It wasn't about a girl, It's my song to you," Luke said.

Michael smiled, "God you're so fucking cute," he said blushing. 


You guys know what foreshadowing is right? 

Okay, yeah, I know it's really short but oMG THE FLUFF AT THE END I CAN'T. AHHHH. 

Anyways, I'm really glad you guys are liking this story. Like, I'm surprised because my writing isn't that good. 

Question of the update: What is your favorite moment in this so far?

20 votes and 9 comments for the next chapter? Love youuu.

Don't forget to follow my Wattpad too! And give me feedback! Love you guys! Byeeeeee ! 

Stay strong xx

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