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The flowers have never bloomed this much as last year but it's still very pretty to be seeing it now.

Roses and daffodils. The perfect combination.

"Dear, breakfast is ready!", Ummi's voice glooming against the stairs.

I started using the new shampoo that I bought. It was sold with a new scent, orange and milk. Though it sounded more delicious enough to eat as it's partially just a scent. I grabbed a dark purple scarf on the bed that I've ironed as I twirled it up on my head barely just to cover up the hair on the forehead while swaying my other hand on the table earnestly trying to find the pins.

"Gosh", gasped a bit. "Where are all my pins?",

It's like a day to wear a veil on your wedding day. You cannot have too many pins to get it right. Fortunately, I did an alternative. One type of style using only one pin. Grateful for the existence of Youtube. Yes, I am still eighteenth years of age and trying to be as good as Al-Khawarizmi (mathematician) one day. A renowned person I'd say.

Not particularly on Mathematics though.

I walked towards the kitchen stove and grabbed the plate towards the dining area. I stopped to observe a pot on the table. This is not a special occasion to put pots on a table.

I didn't forget my parents' anniversary, did I?

"Where did the flowers came from?",
I asked.

"Oh, they're from the office yesterday. They seemed to throw it, so I took it back home", I gave her a quiet stare.

"Oh I wasn't the only one who took this. It's fresh picked.", she continued.
"I did not say anything", I smiled and continued eating facing down.

"Your type of stare could flick me through the neighbors' house", Ummi with her sarcastic morning joke.

"Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God) for not having that scenario to happen", I laughed.
"Leaving so soon for class?", asked Walid (father).
"At 10? It's still 7", I said

Flattering. Its half past 8.

"Okay. You can finish this up while I continue with my bread making",

Ummi had been making bread since Walid stopped working and things got hard after. She's always been great with cooking or baking. Me? It needs time.

"Do you want me to send you?", asked Walid.
"It is fine. I got it all control",

Reading newspaper had always been his daily routines. Holding the classics black on white printed paper up onto his face not knowing if he would be asleep or just passionately reading. He initially thought everyone had been on with their smartphones and did not bother on reading newspapers. As always, he felt proud of it.

"You will be joining us on the Umrah Courses this weekend, don't forget!", said Ummi.

Umrah and Hajj are obligatory for each Muslims but it's only for people who are capable on finishing it financially and physically. Where? Mecca, Saudi Arabia of course. It's where people say the city that never sleeps. Although I still cannot understand what it is like to be there.

I gave Ummi a kiss on the forehead and headed towards the door.

  With less much of sleep, every minute of my time in the bus were priceless. I was getting rather cozy in there. I know, it's never possible in a bus.

Suddenly, I felt this cozy-ness as I leaned towards my right, this very bulky and warm pillow. It's so warm that I couldn't let this pillow go.

"Miss, you're leaning on me", a warm voice whispered.
I opened my eyes a bit. It was blurry at first when a green-eyed guy was staring 2 inches from me.

"Astaghfirullah (I seek forgiveness from Allah) I am sorry.",

I could not imagine having my face being this bright red of embarrassment.

I peeked around as if there were any place I could change.
Yes, the irony. Typical packed bus.

After a few minutes, I was awake than ever.

I watched the windows and sense the familiar buildings. I turned over to the side to watch the guy swiping through his phone. He may had changed his seat while I was asleep.

I doubt he's never near to comfortable by my presence earlier.

or the halal gap. Making myself feel good about it when it's not.

He wore these black sunglasses and a white T-shirt.

"Hi", I said to him.
He turned and smiled. "Yeah hi", avoiding the conversation.

Why am I doing this.

"I apologize for earlier", I said
"It's cool", he said. He stared at the station board, got up and left.

As I was trying to regain my consciousness for a few seconds, I accidentally missed the stop. Grabbing my sling bag and stood up.

'Wait!', screamed as if my life depended on it.

I walked quietly on the unyielding pebble roads barely enough to make a sound. I saw the guy walked towards the same direction as to I was heading.

He stopped walking. Did I made him scared?

"Where are you heading?", I asked politely.

"Who are you?", he never intended to turned to his back.
"I'm basically one of the students here",
"Okay. See you around then", as cold as ice he was to give an answer.

I turned to an apposite direction where my dormitory was placed. As always, the road seemed to be damp when you're here.

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