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It has been four years since I've accepted the proposal by Mr. Hudson. Did I manage to go through it? Yes, I did incredibly well with how I'm always determined into doing things. Did I become a doctor? Not exactly. I'm relieved about that as well.

On that note, it feels different like I haven't journaled to myself for quite a while. (winking face towards the reader, I'm back (; )

A lot of things have happened, I managed to pursue a job as an environmentalist. We both knew how Mahatma Gandhi's quote from the Monte Carlo movie did an impact on you, it's not always fangirling over Selena Gomez. It's more than that.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

I finished my degree majoring in Chemistry and it was beyond exciting to be completing and taking a step forward in my life. Throughout this pandemic even, COVID-19 has been a challenging life for me.

"Did we ever get to discuss this? When are you going to tell me?" a voice raising from outside the room. "Discuss what Mouadh?" eyebrows sterns as I fold my hands on my chest. It has also been two years since we both decided to live together. It was hard between picking sides of which family were better, and fighting for the next week debating if the relationship was ever worth it to crippled.

It's the man I married and he had become a part of my life. We love each other, and we both would compromise.

"Buying a £300 worth of mixer, what were you thinking?" Oh, it's the mixer. "I am trying to find a new hobby" saying out properly so I would sound confident. "My love", cried Mouadh. His hands gripping a piece of paper, walking towards the living room and back again.

"I do appreciate you wanting to have a new hobby but this isn't how it should be", he let out a big sigh. "You could have told me," I'm telling you, he'd always have those eyes worried which will make me feel bad.

"The woman said that it's 100% refundable if I decided to change minds", I plead guilty. "It's 'Have a Hobby' sale", I lied but I'm so good at it.

He chuckles looking down. "You will be busy anytime soon, don't you think having these kinds of hobbies will not spare your time for me?" He always has a say in this and I would never be able to refuse. I gave him a smile agreeing to send it back. Thank god I remembered where I've put the receipts.

"I love you with all my heart, my love but baking basic muffins or even unmixed frosting cake would not spare how I feel towards you," He landed his body on the counter holding the keys with his hands. "We're sending them back now?" pleading let it not be today. "The sooner, the better," He got up, gave me a wink. "I'll help you carry it, darling,"

There go my hopes of becoming like Nigella Lawson. There's one true thing, I'm glad I didn't. I would have saved up for something more important.

I pulled out the hijab, swinging to my shoulders while looking at the mirror suddenly rubbing my tummy.

"Hm", I might be hungry.

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