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"Can I have your phone number?",

Without having to give an excuse or even asking why, he got out his phone and slides his phone swiftly. "Of course, my number is .. wait .. why do you want my phone number?",

"I might have to call you since we'd be far away from each other .. to discuss",

I gave him an eye. A cute eye.

His eyes widen with his mouth left bare open. Is he excited or just being extremely sarcastic?

"Oh, then um..", his face redden. ".. your mother has my phone number. You can easily ask from her",

"My mother?", I turned towards the other side facing my mother from afar.
"Or it'd be better to ask from me", he let out a pen from his pocket, "do you happen to have a piece of note?", his eyes watches me.

I gladly held out my phone. "I have a phone", shoving out in front of him.
"This will make it easier for you to remember", he passed out a note.
"In what way",
"Repeating the numbers will help you remember and hopefully me as well",

Our eyes met once again.



'Can I ask you something?', I sent it upon knowing the typing ... visualize on his profile.
'About what?',
'Is it a coincidence for you to replace your lecturer's absence?',
'Hahaha', he let out a laugh. 'Nothing is a coincidence',
'What do you mean?',
'It's qada' and qadr. It's fate',
'Do you think I might not know about this?',
'As a matter of fact, I think you do. This curiousness seem to be going a bit too fast. You might be missing me',


'Please Mr. Mouadh. You are never near the first'
'I hate to bother to know your first but does that mean I'm the second?'
'Is that so important to you?',
'If it's you then I'm afraid it's obnoxiously important to me',

Haha. Oh my.


Class started as usual. Honestly I have missed a lot of classes. Relentlessly many that no one were worrying about it.

I've forgotten about it. This is university. You walk alone.

"I've saved your lectures with me, you better be grateful on having me as a friend",
I held out my arms and giving her a tight hug.
"I am forever grateful for you, my best friend",
"So how is Saudi Arabia",

I let out my bag on the table whilst pulling Zulaikha onto the chairs. Gently enough to give her a smile and a tear.

"Did something happen there", she wiped the tears from my face as I felt the coldness of her hands. Petite fingers and miserably cold.
"This is going too fast Zulaikha. I cannot possibly define myself as to be happy nor sad",
She raised an eyebrow confused as to what her thoughts had accomplish to create.

Exactly like Jimmy Neutron.

"Why do I have a feeling like I know what it is about",
"You do?", I wiped my tear off with my sleeve.

Grateful as I do not have to tell her the whole story.

"You had forgotten to buy yourself a new abaya", i gave her a stern look. "... or you could just flick me to the moon",
"I'll flick you to mars then",
"I'll be marrying off with somebody",

Yes, her expressions says exactly what I would be thinking at the moment.
My heart tells the same too right?

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