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I had never imagine on what to expect when you're in a wedding besides the amazing food. This is a different feeling. It's a wedding of your own. You became the center of attention, and there's commitment, there's partially people's expectations, ... there's Mouadh.
Standing right across me. The man that I will be spending the rest of my life with. Smiling as if he's got this under control.
'Are you ready?' He muttered just 10 inches away from me awaiting for the door to open to walked down the aisle.
I nodded.
'You look beautiful', he then muttered with a smile folding his hands at his back.
Thank you.

'All the guests are here', spoke mother while putting her hands against mine. Her eyes had always been beautiful only this time, I can read her. She's exhausted and be loved. Accepting the reality is what hurts the both of us.

'You'll be alright. Just mind your step', another motivating words from her.

I stood by his side. Hanging my arms to his. Walking step by step as the bright lights flashes us. Familliar faces started appearing as we got nearer on the aisle. Getting a soft grip to Mouadh's arm as he looked at me. I have a person to hold onto now. InsyaAllah. For now and forever.
'Ready?', he asked.
'As I will ever be',

Three of my youngest cousins walking behind us throwing petals of flowers everywhere

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Three of my youngest cousins walking behind us throwing petals of flowers everywhere. The voices of Leya asking me why should we throw petals on the floor?
intentionally made me giggled.
'Is there something funny?', whispered Mouadh keeping a straight face.
'No, you look bewilderingly handsome today',
'I know I do but I sense a laugh. I demand a story',

Everything was in order Alhamdulillah.
The food was splendidly great, the bouquets' decoration was magnificiently beautiful. It's hard to move on this spectacular day.  For the both of us.

7.00 p.m.
'Laila, you can show Mouadh your room so that the both of you can rest a bit',
Oh shoot.
'I know that face which is why I have cleaned up your entire room',
'You have no idea how grateful I an towards you', I gave her a kiss.
Mouadh came towards me.
I don't know why but I get a sense of shyness that I just can't look at him in the eyes.
'I'm heading out to the mosque for Maghrib's prayers',
'Yeah okay', quickly as I tried turning away from him.
The usual. Avoiding eye contact.
'Um hello? Do you hear me?', he questioned.
'Yeah, I do. I did answered'
'Of course but I still need to look at you knowing you let me. I'm just going to the mosque'
'Of course', still barely look at him.
'Or do you want me to be here and be your imam instead?',
Furiously. I looked up. I swear our heads were so close that I had trouble breathing. His brown eyes are just so mesmerizing to look at. He's .. beautiful.
'No, You can go ahead. We both know the goodness of men going to mosque performing their salah'
'Okay then. I'll see you later perhaps, my wife',

10.00 p.m.
'So this is your room?',
'It's not exceedingly like the ones at your home but..',
'Blue seems to be your colour',
He falls onto the bed from his back. Closing his eyes. His head pacing towards me as he opened his eyes.
'Are you just going to stand there?',
I crossed my arms.
'You're sleeping on my bed' I watched sternly.
He stood up. 'Woah haha okay then. I should be asking you then, where will your husband sleep?' He gave a smile while we made eye contact.
'Not this bed',
He chuckled. He lands his head on the bed. Closing his eyes once again, smiling. 'It's been a long day, plus if you're that uncomfortable. I'll set the borders of the bed',
'Oh really?'
'But of course, it's a bit difficult for me to get closer to you when there's a border',
'Shut up Mouadh', I laughed.
I laid beside him.
'I could sleep the whole year now',
He turned towards me.
'Better yet when there's company',
He leaned closer. I gasped. I do know he handles the flirting game all too well, but this is completely too much to handle.
I stood up, turned towards the bed table and silently trying to grab the folded towel near the bed. Wouldn't want to wake up the husband now is it? As I grabbed the towel, a strong hand gripped my arms.
'I'm heading to the shower',
'Take me with you',
'First of all, we are not going to bathe together, ever'
'Ever? As if forever?',
I tried barely speak to him only after he grabbed me by the waist and hugged me. Tightly.
'Stay', he whispered.

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