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Nothing felt better than waking up late from bed. You wanted a weekend to be the only week that had ever existed.
Sadly, weekdays have always been important.
Last night, Mouadh and I had quarelled a bit on deciding who gets the bed. We were both exhausted but fighting over it couldn't be more normal.
Instead, we both got our sides as usual.
The alarm clock buzzing the quiet night. Deliberately.
Mouadh rushed up and grabbed the phone. 'Why do you set an alarm at 2?',
I quickly turned. Startled. That was my usual alarm asking me to study.
'I'm sorry. I'm gonna put if off', I gave him a smile with my eyes closed and went back to sleep. My eyes were heavy enough to open but I worried of his response after I did that.
I turned to the side facing him and watched his reaction. He was asleep again.
'Is there a reason you want to wake up at this time?', a soft voice coming from Mouadh. His eyes were closed.
'I'm sorry', so I whispered.
I've never been this close to him. His eyelashes were long. Just like a girl.
'Don't stare at me like that. I might kiss you',
I moved back away from him as his hand stopped at my gestures and pulling me towards him. 'No, stay'
Our nose touched. We were so close together. My heart was beating so hard that I could not breath right.
He nodded. 'Just a few more minutes, sweetheart. We'll do tahajjud together',
I smiled. How did he knew?
'We might not get this chance tomorrow', I moved away a bit.
'With that alarm of yours? I don't think that would be a problem' he kissed me on the cheek and stood up towards the bathroom.
We both performed tahajjud as well as hajjat together. It was a moment of silence and moment of peace there. Just the sounds of Mouadh's reciting prayers.
'Would you like to go to sleep?', I whispered.
He didn't gave a response.
I waited for a mere few seconds to ask him back after he turned towards his back and his mouth still reciting the Ayat from the Al-Quran. I handed my hand as I kiss the hands of his (salaam). 'You can head to bed now if you want', he gave me a smile.
Performing subuh were the same for us. Alhamdulillah. It was captivating to wake up before Subuh.

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