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"Laila", an ascending voice came from behind asking me to stop walking.
I turned towards the side barely to recognize the face.

Who would have thought? Moaudh.
"Are you busy?", he asked standing in front of me.
"Yes. I'm 45 minutes early why?",
"I have never seen a girl this early to class. You should at least spend all that time for makeup  and clothes",

I patted myself.

"Maybe I accidentally woke up early",
"Is that even a thing?",
"Of course it is. It's copacetic",
"Mind taking a stroll with me? I mean it's a beautiful day",

Yeah. It is a beautiful day. Another blessing.

"Ramadhan's coming up", he took a step ahead of me.
"It's the best month of any month", I sped my steps.
"What are your plans then? Besides thinking of me",

I stopped walking. Being far from him was the plan. Period. Again, I went with the flow.

"Oh, thinking of you huh? Why would I think of you",
"I've been spending a lot of time with you. Didn't that gave you some sort of signs?",

Signs? I can act conciously dumb right now right?

"You're my lecturer and I could get 4 flats?", 

A champion answer.

He laughed. "I'll be giving you time to think back. Today is also my last day here", his eyes concerns me.

Is it the wind breeze made me feel the shivers on my skin or I'm starting to like this guy?

"Did you have a good time here?", changing the subject. I'm always good at this.

"I like the environment here. Nothing like I had at home",
"I like it here too",

We both knew we wanted to say something, but we both kept quiet. Every minute felt like seconds. Step by step being near the end of the trail. Taking a stroll with him was definitely the worst thing to happen today. because I never want this to end.

"Did you know how to get to the airport?",
"I can call an Uber or something",
"I could like drive you to the airport if you want",

Don't say no.

"That'd be great",

I opened my phone and search for the airport using the waze app

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I opened my phone and search for the airport using the waze app. More convenient I assure you.

"So why are we picking up Mr. Mouadh again?", Zulaikha urges to pull the front seat.
"Because I offer him and it's expensive to get to the aiport here",
"Why am I here then?",
"You're my best friend that's why",

I lounges to the slightly not comfy seat in the car while I switch the radio channels.

A knocked came to the window.

"Did you wait for me that long?", he asked.
"Of course not",
"Actually..", I put my hand on Zulaikha's mouth stopping her to reply.

We arrived at the airport an hour before his departure. Thank god we did not have the chance to be lost.

"So this is it then", I held both of my hands in front clutching my purse. Little by little my legs were trembling. Lips were muttering.

I don't want you to leave.

He gave a saddening smile and continue facing down lowering his gaze. He took his bag and turned to his back and walked ahead.

"Have a safe flight!", I yelled as much for him to hear. My eyes were teary, as much as I wanted him to see but we're both far away.

"I will", he smiled held out his hand waving a goodbye.

That was it. He left. It was so easy.

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