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"Ummi, what is this?", I held both of my mother's hand earnestly trying to seek the truth. Tears would be flowing through my mother's cheeks knowingly there's a secret that she's been keeping it from me.

"This is a new step for you", she said. Her eyes were filled nothing but wonder.
"What are you saying?",
She took the longest breath and reciting salawat. I knew because I could hear her.
"Waleed and I have discussed this long enough to make a desicion. As much as this were to be hard for you, it has been hard for us too",
I turned to see Mouadh having a happy conversation with Waleed. Giggles as if they knew each other long enough for me to figure this all out.
"He is such a nice young man",
"I know. I have met him before",
"You do?",
"He had come to our campus to filled up his lecturer's absence",
"That is a huge coincidence",

It's not. This is fate. Qada' and Qadr. Among the reasons why he coincidentally have came to meet me.
"It was his parent's that offered us the aggreement for marriage..",


"Look around you my dear, you're stepping among the holy places of all. Make a wise decision, Laila. I cannot force you to choose a life you do not want to face.",

"But Ummi. This is marriage. Another life for me which I am never looking forward at this moment",

"Life is full of surprises. We can only plan, Allah SWT decides", Ummi leaned to me, widen her arms on me.

I put my arms around her as tears were streaming down.

What am I going to do?

I stood up and perform dhuha prayer in front of the kaabah.

I need signs. Ya Allah, guide me the right way.

The next day,

it was time for me to give an answer to ..Mouadh.

I walked towards the pathway near the clock tower. One thing I find it odd about the people here is they stare a lot.

I guess it's normal to have low self esteem here. People generally will be staring at you.

I walked a little further unknowing a man with a dark blue jubah stood in front of me.

His eyes were filled of curiousness and denial. He's even afraid to say hi.

"Mr. Mouadh",

He looked down laughing.

"I'm still not qualified as a lecturer",
"But yet you still had let us through successfully",
"Is that a compliment I hear?",
"I know this is hard for you but I..", still hesitating to say and explain.
"Can we wait for awhile?",

He stopped for awhile. Confused.

"Please don't stare at me",
"Sorry", turns towards the side. Lowering his gaze.

I like you, Mouadh. Could it be this easy for me on saying this facing you?

"If this is your choice, then I respect that", looking down a bit dissapointed.

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