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Classes today were the usual. A lot of assignments and presentations. A way to kill time from sleeping.

"I'm going to head for coffee at the cafeteria", I said patting my friend, Zulaikha on the back. "Alright. Be sure to ask for extra sugar. It's good for overall consciousness", again with her overwhelming sarcastic joke. Where did I put my cannon explosives where I needed one.

"I would laugh at your jokes but I'm rather undeniably unconscious right now", I gave her a glare. She gave a chortle.

"I'll go with you",

We walked towards the cafeteria. There's a newly built café who sold the best Espresso. It may left you feeling Paris for a moment. I hope that it's probable on urging to open my eyes during lectures.

"Two espressos' please", I said lending the money. A man's presence seem to appear near me. I couldn't give an eye as I try by lowering my gaze, Or so I thought.

"I'll pay for the coffee", he said with a gruff voice.

I turned to the side and lifted my head. My mouth left opened. It was the green-eyed guy.

"Hi", he gives a sly smile.

"What in the world ...", I stared at him for a mere few seconds.

I took both coffees and walked through the door. He rushed to pull the door for me.

"You can have this", I handed him two of the coffee making a pout face. Zulaikha pulled my sleeve asking to stop. "What are you doing", she whispered with a stern face.

He chuckles facing down blushed. "All is good. It's on me",

"What are you doing here?",

"I have a lecture class?", I raised an eyebrow "It's an exchange program. I'm filling for my lecturer who's in labor today", smiling with his teeth.

"Oh", looking down.

"I believe I owe you an apology", he said bowing down.

"What for?", sipping up the hot coffee.

"Completely ignoring you this morning. That wasn't intentionally on purpose", he said.

His was wreathed with smiles. His gaze was beautiful. His eyebrows were thick enough to meet. He's that good looking Arabian guy where girls could surround him for years.

"I don't mind. There's nothing to comply. Mahrem", facing the floor.

He stared at me for a few seconds. Of course, I was uncomfortable by that. "I'm Mouadh", he said.


"So you are heading to class?", he asked.


"She's widely unconscious right now, you wouldn't want to continue on this", peered Zulaikha.

"Alright then, I'll take my leave", he gave a sleek smile and turned towards the opposite direction.

"Why does it occur to me that you have met him?", Zulaikha staring at me in the eye.

"I was sleeping on the bus", descending my voice. She would give me a hard slap in the face upon hearing this.

"And then?", interested by the second I tell her the story.

"There was no place to sit. I've reckoned maybe he forced himself to sit beside me. I was so exhausted, I accidentally slept on his shoulders", I took a few steps back from her.

Zulaikha's face turned red. Her eyes felt as if fire grew out from her eyes. Raging enough to blast fire balls at me and instantly fleek me to Mars or something. She's completely mad about me.

"What have you done?", she shouted.

"I know but it was an accident", I said rubbing her sleeves asking her to calm down.

"Astaghfirullah sister! You are to marry him this instant", she cried.

"What are you babbling about", I pushed her to the side away from me.

She laughed. "I was kidding. It was an accident",

"Class starting up, we should go",

As we walked towards the door, the audience laughed inside the room.

"Are we late?", We both stared at each other.

I walked inside quickly trying to get back at our seats and not facing the lecturer. I was relieved to have been there early enough to be late. I smiled at Zulaikha and I turned to hear the lectures.

"You can call me by Mouadh",

I froze as my eyes widen to respond the situation. "Isn't that", said Zulaikha pointing towards the lecturer.

"You have no idea",

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