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'There's so many skyscrapers in the whole world, which is the tallest?', upon hearing his voice through the speaker of the phone.
'Of course it's in Dubai', I walked to the counter to grabbed a plate and scoop the crispy omelette. I loved the crisp of it. Tender in the inside.
'Guess again', he chuckled.
I took out a fork and pour orange juice on a glass. An italian well made glass.
'Well scientifically, it has got to be that tall building who was said can reach the sky',
'Your theory of tall buildings are scientifically acceptable, only you haven't guessed the right building yet',

What is it then? I can't pretend to be stupid.

'How about the Malaysian twin tower building',
'Just because it's twins does not mean that it's relevant to be the highest',
'We can try',
'I'll give you a clue. The building can reach the stars and the moon',
'That's impossible'

'It does sound impossible but logically enough to believe it',
I stared at the open window for a second. The birds flew through a loop in the sky above the mosque. A beautiful crystal glass mosque as my view everyday. What a sight.


'A mosque?', I gulped.
'That's correct',

Geniuses. Like me.

'How do you guessed it?',
'I was born a genius. It's in the veins',
'though Bill Gates did not achieve after a first trial',
'Yes, I guess I'm special',
'I guess you are then',


Months and months have gone away so quickly. So many choices and plans that made me think of leaving adulthood likewise becoming a child again. Although that is entirely impossible.

Henna night

A few days before the engagement day comes upon 'henna night' or so a tradition for the Malays to withdrew flower painting on their hands

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A few days before the engagement day comes upon 'henna night' or so a tradition for the Malays to withdrew flower painting on their hands.
'Look at this pattern!' Zulaikha's voice howling as if she's the only person in the house.
'Quiet the racket down, Zulaikha', whispering upon trying to hush her.
'I'm sorry. This is completely beyond intriguing to see one of my closest best friend and half sister doing a henna on both of her hands',
'Is that why you're so excited about? Me doing a henna?', i gave her a brow.
'I might tear up saying out the word marrying on you',

The big day
The day that became the most important days of my life has finally begun. The summer air was crisp and the view became a dream of every girl. White roses filled the entire area gives off a wonderful flower scented atmosphere. 26 round tables were covered with white cloth and occupied with proper spoons and forks. Families and cousins have gathered after a long separation in only hopes of achieving a well planned wedding for their dearest little one.

Is this what it feels like? The mixed feelings of today becoming a family with strong bonds and the next day became another?

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