Getting The Hell Out Of Dodge

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The scent of hay and musk was thick in the damp cell as Cassi wiped a hand across her face, dousing her tears with a black sleeve

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The scent of hay and musk was thick in the damp cell as Cassi wiped a hand across her face, dousing her tears with a black sleeve. She sniffled, looking forward to a silent Lucius.

"You should've seen me earlier. Blonde hair, Blue and Silver streaked eye's and a dress to match them. I even got mistaken for Cissy." She randomly blurted out.

He hesitated, confused before he replied.
"I'm sure that went well." He smirked, sarcastically.

She scoffed.
"I wish I could say I'm not proud of my actions, but we both know that would be a lie."

"Dead then?" He questioned, all to familiar with her short fuse.

"No. But I might have mentioned Cissy's affair. Annndd....
It would seem I gave her crabs." She pursed her lips, unsmiling, but still curious at his reaction.

"You gave her crabs?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Metaphorically speaking. I might have claimed as much. And more. It wasn't pretty."

"I see." He sounded suprised but she didn't know why. It was in her nature to retaliate against those she felt threatened by. No matter the reason. He knew as much, but that obviously wasn't the point to his mild reaction and the truth behind it made peak all to quickly.

"You're stalling." He said plainly.

"I am." She freely admitted, her knees splaying further apart as she sunk closer to the ground. He studied her stained cheeks, mascara about her eyes and streaking black down her face.

"Why are you crying? Did I hurt you?" She put a hand to her steady bruising throat, her fingers trailing to cup the pain in her left eye. She could still see out of it, although it was hazy around the edges- an odd coldness from the burst blood vessel making her iris numb, it's movement limited.

"No. I'm far to proud to whine about a scratch. You know that." She faintly remembered the slashes burned into the flesh of her back. In all honesty, she wasn't studying the physical mares upon her body.

"Did you see to Pius then?"
Now who was changing the subject.

Oh. Wait. Shit! Pius!

"I'm here my lady." He came from around the cells open grate. He really was in tune with her. She hadn't even said his name aloud.

"We'll just need a moment longer." She addressed him.

"My lady. I think it would be- and I beg your pardon for being so forward, but- Wouldn't the sensible thing to do....."

She cut across his incessant need to be heard.

"We'll need a moment longer, Pius. That is all."
She dismissed him, sending him back to the corner from when'st he came. He bowed his pointy face, backing out.

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