the bet

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"Can we just go home now?"

"Oh come on, Millie. We are going to find some cute boys."

Sadie Sink loved boys. She loved flirting with them then breaking their hearts like it meant nothing to her. She could get any guy she wanted, too. Her bright red hair and freckled skin attracted boys like magnets.

"You've gotten over five boys numbers today, lets just go. It looks like it's about to rain, anyways."

Millie Bobby Brown was the opposite. She didn't care for boys much at all. She'd much rather listen to music or read a good book. Especially Stephen King, she loved him. Her best friend Sadie, however, dragged her around the streets of their small, rainy, town, always on the hunt for a new heart to break. Millie didn't mind this much at first, but after a while, she dreaded hanging out with her own best friend.

"Wait, I see some boys over there! They're riding skateboards. You know I love skater boys." Sadie gushed, skipping over to the boys on skateboards. Millie groaned, but reluctantly followed her best friend over to the boys.

"Hi there!" Sadie said in her most charming voice, causing the boys to look up at her in awe. Millie always wanted to ask her how she did that, got boys attentions just by the sound of her voice.

One boy in particular, however, didn't look up at all. Sadie noticed this, but ignored him, and continued talking to the others.

"I'm Sadie. I noticed you guys were riding skateboards, so I had to introduce myself."

Millie took notice of the boy who didn't look up. He had dark hair that looked tangled and messy, as if he had never combed it. He was pale, paler than her, even. He had a few scattered freckles on his arms, but she couldn't quite see his face.

One of the boys gave Sadie a smile that was almost more charming than her own, "I'm Caleb. This is Noah and Finn." He motioned to the other two boys. Millie wondered if the dark haired boy was Finn or Noah. Something told her he was Finn.

Sadie didn't bother to introduce Millie to the boys, but she didn't mind. It's not like they took notice of her, anyways.

"Well, it's about to rain, so we better get going. See you around, then?" Sadie smiled at the boy.

"Could I maybe get your number, just in case we don't happen to run into each other again?" Caleb looked at her with warm eyes, and Millie knew he had fallen for Sadie already. Part of her wished she could warn him that Sadie's intentions were no good, but she never did.

The red head smiled with satisfaction. She took the boys phone and put her number in. As she did so, Millie couldn't help but stare at the dark haired boy. Something about him intrigued her. Maybe it was the way he didn't look up at Sadie when she first introduced herself. That never happened.

Sadie handed the kind boy his phone, a perfect smile on her face. She turned to Millie and motioned her head, telling her it was time to go. Millie glanced at the boy, Finn, one last time, hoping to get a better look at his face. This time, though, he was looking at her too. Her face turned bright red, and she quickly looked away, completely embarrassed. Why had he been looking at her?

Sadie noticed this interaction, and giggled to herself as they walked away, "Millie! That one was totally checking you out!"

"You think so?" Millie didn't know how to feel about that. She didn't want boys to be checking her out.

"Oh, definitely. Too bad you could never get him to fall in love with you." Sadie laughed. She knew Millie would never even consider talking to the boy.

"Yes I could." Something about Sadie's comment angered Millie. Who said Sadie was the only one that could break hearts?

"Millie, you've never even spoken to a boy."

"Yes I have." Millie argued, but she knew her best friend was right.

Sadie grinned, an idea popping into her head. "I have a challenge for you, then."

"A challenge?"

"If you can get that boy to fall in love with you, I'll never break another boys heart again."

"What?" Millie stopped walking and turned to her best friend.

"You said you could get him to fall in love with you, so prove it."

"Sadie, I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Oh come on, Mills. It's one boy." Sadie rolled her eyes.

Millie considered the bet. If she could make this boy fall in love with her, she wouldn't have to stand around as her best friend lead on boy after boy. It could finally be over. All it took was one broken heart.

"You have yourself a deal, Sadie Sink."

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