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"Caleb told me that Finn was talking about you." Sadie piped up from across the room. She was getting ready, and Millie assumed she was going on a date with Caleb.

Millie looked up from her book, the words catching her attention, "well, what did he say?"

"He said he thinks you're interesting."

Millie couldn't help but smile to herself. She liked that he'd been talking about her.

"Don't start getting feelings, Mills. You are the heart breaker, not him." Sadie warned.

Millie sighed, "Don't worry, I know."

Sadie smiled with satisfaction, "good. I'm going to the movies with Caleb today, are you going anywhere with Finn?"

"Uh, well, I don't have his number." Millie wished she had asked for it yesterday.

"Well, that's unfortunate. I told you I wasn't going to help, though." Sadie turned away from the mirror and grabbed her bag.

"I don't need your help."

"Whatever you say. I better get going, have fun with your book." The red head flashed Millie a smile before leaving the girl alone in her room.

When Sadie was gone, Millie sighed. She was hopeless without her best friend. Finn would never fall for her.

The girl couldn't seem to focus on her book much after Sadie had left, and decided to go for a walk to help clear her head. She grabbed her phone and book, just in case she found a new place to read.

The pouring rain from earlier had turned into a drizzle. Millie loved weather like this. It was always raining in their small town, and the sun rarely peaked through the dark gray skies.

She knew the town like the back of her hand. It was small, and she had lived there her entire life. She wondered if Finn had too, she never saw him at school.

Suddenly, the girl felt herself run into something, and she fell to the cold pavement.

"I'm so sorry." Millie mumbled. She didn't look up at who she ran into, instead she searched the ground for her book.

"It wasn't your fault." The familiar voice caused Millie to look up, her heart racing.

She looked at the dark haired boy. His hair was messy, even more so than usual. Millie had to admit, he looked good. She could smell him, too. It was a mix of cigarette smoke and cookies, and Millie loved it.

The girl quickly stood up, brushing off anything that might have gotten on her clothes.

Millie looked at the tall boy. His eyes were so brown, and Millie loved brown eyes. She didn't know what to say to him, and she suddenly felt more nervous than before.

"You dropped this." Finn laughed. He handed Millie her book, their hands touching.

"Oh, thank you."

"Would you like to walk with me?"

"S-sure." She stammered.

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