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"Okay Kenna. Not your first but your best kisser." Mary told Kenna who sat in a circle with the rest of Mary's ladies.

"It was a man, not a boy."

"Who? You must tell us."

"All I'll say is that there's no point in waiting for boys our own age who have no idea what they're doing. Either find yourself a man or...take care of your needs yourself." All the girls laughed while Mary gave an awkward smile. "Anyway, I think that it's Juliet's turn, isn't it?"

Juliet took a deep breath before beginning. "My first kiss...was with a boy I met when we first came to France."


"Francis' haft brother, Sebastian." All the girls gave each other a look. They all knew about Sebastian's reputation with girls. "I know what you're thinking but he's not at all like what you heard. He's sweet and kind and a great man."

"Your Majesty," Mary's servant rushed towards her. "Your uncle, Claude de Guise, is here and wishes to see you at once."

Mary looked shocked but got up anyways and went to see her uncle.


As Juliet began to clean her desk of the objects that laid scattered on it, she felt a pair of familiar lips on her neck. She turned her head slightly and allowed the pair of lips more room.

"Bash, what are you doing here?" Juliet asked as the lips removed themselves.

"Why? I can't see the beautiful girl that I love?"

Juliet laughed and bit her lip as she turned to face Sebastian. "I just didn't expect you here, that's all."

Bash nodded and grabbed the side of the girl's head to kiss her lips. Juliet smiled into the kiss as Bash brought her closer to him.

"Juliet!" The sound of heels stopped at Juliet's door causing the pair to pull away and turned their attentions to the door. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you had company."

"What is it, Greer?"

"Queen Mary had requested our presence in her bedroom to get ready for the party this evening."

Juliet nodded and kissed Bash's lips one last time before following Greer to Mary's room.


"Nostradamus." The King spoke loudly causing the music to fade and the dancers to stop. "Why don't you share your wisdom with all of us."

"I don't understand."

"Always at my wife's ear. What do you whisper? I hear Emperor Maximilian has a seer in Prague who can tell fortunes using playing cards. Tell the fortunes of Queen Mary and her ladies." The king pointed to Mary and four, out of her five, ladies (all except Kenna).

"Forgive me, your Majesty, but I'm not skilled at cards and I don't control my visions. They come and go as they will."

"You're not as good as Maximilian's seer?"

"Each of you pick a card." Nostradamus said to the girls as the queen and king argued. "Have your question ready."

Lady Lola was the first to go. "Will I ever love again?"

"You'll meet a dark, handsome stranger. Be wary of flattery."

Next Mary laid down her card, but didn't ask her question.

"Life will hold many challenges. You'll meet them with grace."

"Well that's not very specific." King Henry complained. "Give us a fortune, not a platitude. Or is that the best you can do?"

Nostradamus ignored the king and focused back on Mary. "The lion will fight the dragon on the field of poppies."

Greer stuttered and laid down her card. "Who will I...?"

"You'll fall in love with a man with a white mark on his face."

Juliet was next. "Will my love...?"

"Your friends will come in between you, but if you choose the right path, you shall prevail."

Aylee looked a little scared but asked her question anyways. "When will I see my family?"

"You'll never go home."

"What do you mean, never go home?"

"That's all I was given. You know no more than I."

Mary went to the man to talk to him while Juliet comforted her friend who thought she would never go home.


"You sure you didn't want to go on the boat?" Bash asked Juliet for what felt like the seventh time.

"No, this is perfect." Juliet snuggled closer to Bash as they both looked out the window to see the boats. They passed a bottle of wine back and forth as they did. Bash pressed a passionate kiss on her lips. "What was that for?"

"Being you."

Such cute moments!!! I love them so much. So I have some ship names.


Leave a comment saying which one you vote for.

Love ya😘

Bastards in Love**Sebastian de Poitiers (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now